In his speech at the press conference he held at NATO Headquarters after the NATO Extraordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated that Turkey follows a principled policy regarding Ukraine and said, “NATO's political and practical support to Ukraine in the current war environment. It is essential to act with a realistic and strategic approach while continuing to do so.” used the phrases.
Thanking NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg for leading the Summit at a critical time, President Erdoğan cordially congratulated Stoltenberg for both his strong leadership during this difficult period and the extension of his mandate, which Turkey strongly supports. President Erdoğan said: “I would like to convey my congratulations and appreciation to the Belgian authorities for their successful hosting of the summit. We are going through a process where not only the European security architecture, but also the global security perception has changed radically.” he said.
Reminding that the war between Ukraine and Russia has left its first month behind as of today, President Erdoğan continued as follows:
“As NATO allies, we came together to evaluate both current developments and the measures taken by the alliance in the current security environment. It is meaningful that NATO once again gave a message of unity and solidarity after the Summit, which was held on 25 February by video conference method. Turkey's strong support for Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty since 2014 is well known. We have expressed at every opportunity that we do not and will not recognize the annexation of Crimea, and we continue to do so.
On the occasion of the summit, I strongly emphasized our support for Ukraine's territorial integrity. Our stance on Russia's attack on Ukraine is in line with this principled policy and is clear. The destruction and human tragedy caused by the war is obvious. Destroyed cities, almost ruined hospitals, schools, houses, refugees with tears in their eyes, and innocent children writhing in the grip of fear and anxiety, reminded us of the bloody face of war.”
“We take care to be in a constructive and mutually trust-based dialogue”
Emphasizing that the Ukraine-Russia war caused severe traumas, the scars of which will not be erased, especially on children and women for years, President Erdoğan said, “Unfortunately, as the conflicts continue, the destructiveness of the war increases on both sides. In this process, Turkey stands in a special and exceptional place both as a geographical location and as a NATO ally. First of all, Ukraine and Russia are two countries that are our neighbors from the Black Sea.
In addition to our deep-rooted, multidimensional and close relations with Ukraine, we have strategic partnerships. We take care to have a constructive and mutually trust-based dialogue with our other neighbor, Russia.” said.
Stating that Turkey, as a country that has almost alone carried the burden of the war in Syria for the last 11 years, has been working to ensure that peace prevails in the region, President Erdoğan continued as follows:
“We are in intense contact with both countries in order to end the war as soon as possible. We closely follow and support the negotiations between the parties. We have taken many steps so far to facilitate the negotiation process. The meeting of the foreign ministers in Antalya and my foreign minister's contacts in Moscow and Lviv were turning points. We think that the final solution should be based on a credible formula that will be accepted by both countries and the international community.”
Emphasizing that Ukraine's sovereignty and independence should be the main priority, President Erdoğan said: “We welcome the progress in the negotiations at some points with cautious optimism. Since the beginning of the war, we have been using the powers granted to our country by the Montreux Convention to reduce the tension in the Black Sea.” said.
“We understand very well the difficulty our friends are in”
Stating that Turkey has done its part in humanitarian aid, President Erdoğan said:
“We have sent 56 trucks of humanitarian aid to the region so far, and we continue to send it. We have helped more than 63 people, including Ukrainians, leave conflict zones. The number of Ukrainians entering Turkey has approached 60 thousand. We will continue to send this humanitarian aid to Ukraine and its neighbors from now on. Both our official institutions such as AFAD, Turkish Red Crescent and our non-governmental organizations work with great devotion in the field. I congratulate all our organizations that represent the generosity and spirit of solidarity of our nation despite all kinds of risks and threats. We evacuated 142 officers of the Ukraine Observation Mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe via Istanbul. We are the country that has hosted the highest number of refugees in the world for the last 8 years, which is about 5 million refugees, and we understand the difficulty of our friends very well.
We know very well from our bitter past experiences that the international community does not give a good test in terms of protecting refugees. We regret that desperate people who have to leave their homes and countries are discriminated against based on their eye color, language, belief and culture. Everyone, especially European countries, should support the refugees who come to their door and take responsibility to alleviate their troubles. What makes us human and distinguishes us from other living things is not only our own pain, but also our sensitivity to the pain of others, our sense of empathy. There is no guarantee that the difficulties that our Syrian brothers and sisters have been through for 11 years and the Ukrainian people have been going through for the last 1 month will not happen to another country in the future. As Turkey, we will continue to stand by those in need, without making any discrimination, within the framework of our understanding of civilization that sees man as the most honorable of creations.”
“I shared our active and principled policy with our allies”
President Erdoğan stated that they shared their active and principled policy and effective diplomatic efforts with their allies at the summit.
Expressing that they exchanged comprehensive views on how the alliance will respond to threats to Euro-Atlantic security, President Erdoğan said: "It is imperative that NATO act with a realistic and strategic approach while maintaining its political and practical support to Ukraine in the current war environment." he said.
Emphasizing that the decisions they took at the summit were purely steps to strengthen NATO's deterrence and defense structure, President Erdoğan continued his words as follows:
“In this way, we have underlined once again that the alliance is not in a structure that will pose a threat to Russia or any other third country. In the face of possible conflicts and crises, I especially drew attention to the importance of the principle of indivisibility of security when taking measures to effectively protect the allies. I emphasized that 360 degree security understanding is the basic principle. On this occasion, I once again expressed our national priorities and sensitivities, including the fight against terrorism, to our allies.
Based on the spirit of alliance solidarity, Turkey will continue to contribute to NATO's deterrence and defense measures. We expect the same solidarity from our allies. While the successes of Turkish defense industry products are evident, there can be no reasonable justification for the obstacles we face in this area. It is in our common interest to remove the restrictions placed on our defense industry by some of our allies. Between the allies, the implicit and explicit embargoes should not be discussed, let alone implemented, and should not even be on the agenda. I have openly shared our expectations on this issue with the leaders.”
President Erdoğan pointed out that this is an important milestone in the process leading to the NATO Summit to be held in Madrid in June.
Expressing that a summit is planned in Madrid, where the decisions that will shape the future of the alliance and carry NATO into the coming years are planned, Erdoğan said, “No doubt, NATO's new strategic concept will come to the fore among these decisions. Turkey has a say in NATO's past and present, as well as in the future of the alliance with its contributions to this process. used the phrases.
Pointing out that it was well known that they were in an intense diplomatic traffic since the beginning of the war, President Erdoğan reminded that he had extensive meetings with most of the world's leaders, and frequently contacted and exchanged ideas with many of his counterparts.
President Erdoğan stated that, in addition to his regular contacts, he held two meetings with French President Emmanuel Macron, who is the Term President of the European Union, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and that he had contacts with other heads of state and government attending the summit. .
“I once again shared our expectations”
Emphasizing that in these meetings, they mainly discussed the developments in Ukraine with their counterparts and also held consultations within the framework of their bilateral agenda, President Erdoğan continued as follows:
“On this occasion, we once again expressed our expectations with the leaders of the European Union regarding the revitalization of our accession process, the start of negotiations for the update of the Customs Union, the re-operation of institutional cooperation mechanisms, the flexibility in the visa liberalization process, and the giving of Turkey the place it deserves in the common defense and security structures developed by the Union. I shared more. In this process, I also expressed the increasing need for the restructuring of institutions responsible for ensuring global peace and stability.
In all the crises we have experienced, from Syria to Libya, from Yemen to the last war in Ukraine, we have seen and painfully experienced the problems stemming from the unfair structure of the system itself. At this point, it is inevitable that the global security architecture, especially the UN Security Council, will be seriously reformed. Making this reform is a requirement of our responsibility not only to the people who lost their lives in the crises, but also to our children. Together with our own citizens, we will continue to remind the fact that 'the world is bigger than five' for the peace and well-being of all humanity. Realizing the 70th anniversary of its membership in NATO, Turkey has the determination and determination to establish and maintain peace and stability in its region, both with its diplomatic and military power.
“There were countries that expressed their gratitude to Turkey”
President Erdoğan thanked the Belgian Government, which hosted the summit, and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg for their contributions to the successful execution of the summit.
Answering the questions of the journalists, President Erdoğan reminded that Turkey has contacts with both Ukraine and Russia and said, “You are also conducting an intense diplomatic traffic to bring the two leaders together. In this context, did NATO have expectations from Turkey at the summit today? If yes, on what subjects?” On the question, he said:
“There have been countries that have not only focused on Turkey, but have expressed their gratitude to Turkey for the work we have done so far. We will continue our talks with both Mr. Putin and Mr. Zelensky from now on and all our efforts are to create an atmosphere of peace by bringing these two leaders together. As you know, in these studies, where a technical infrastructure related to the ongoing process in Belarus continues, there is almost an alliance on issues such as NATO, disarmament, collective security and the use of Russian as an official language. But apart from that, there is a Crimea, a Donbas issue, which of course, it is almost impossible for Ukraine to take kindly to it. Here, too, rightfully, Zelenskiy's understanding of bringing this to a referendum has demonstrated a smart leadership practice by saying, 'This is the decision of the entire Ukrainian people'.
President Erdoğan had a demand from a member of the press saying, “We want Turkey to be a guarantor country from Ukraine.” Did this demand come up in today's meeting? Russia announced the terms of the ceasefire. Is it possible to talk about a permanent ceasefire in the light of these demands?” To his question, he replied as follows:
“As you know, these negotiations are continuing. There is the dimension of negotiations in which a business continues as a technical infrastructure, which was an ongoing process in Belarus, but besides, it is Zelenskiy's request in his meetings with us, and in this request he personally wants Turkey to assume the role of mediator in this business. There is no such thing as a negative approach in Russia. It is said that in the conversations the Minister of Foreign Affairs had with my Minister of Foreign Affairs, they also took a positive approach to it. It is our hope that in the meetings we will hold with the leaders during this process, if a positive demand or offer for Turkey's mediation comes from here, we are already ready for it. Whether this is Ankara, Istanbul, we have a different province, we said that we are ready to take this step by holding this meeting here.”
“It does not gain a method other than the peace policy, it loses it”
Reminding a member of the press that Turkey's peace efforts and impartial stance have recently attracted the attention of the world, and "How did these efforts reflect on the summit, what kind of feedback did you get in your meeting with the leaders?" On the question, President Erdoğan said, “The approach we took from the leaders in our bilateral meetings was how warm the relations Turkey has established in the meantime, how much of a positive approach it has shown, and for this, of course, he thanked us. At the Leaders' Summit, there is also a thank you to Turkey. The warm contacts in these steps we have taken, of course, draw the attention of the leaders. As Turkey, we will continue the same approach in the next period.” said.
Previously, he told the members of the media, "Our contacts with Mr. Putin will continue in a positive direction, and with Mr. Zelenskiy, it will continue in a positive direction." Erdogan said, “Ours has almost always been a policy of peace. Because it does not gain a method other than the peace policy, it will make you lose. As a matter of fact, the situation as of now shows this. Our wish is to continue this search and to be able to reconcile the business with this search. We will continue to do our best to achieve this.” he said.
When asked about the content of the meeting he held with French President Emmanuel Macron before the summit, President Erdoğan said, “As you know, France is going to the elections and at a time when he was going to the elections, our agenda with Mr. Macron, of course, was the war between Russia and Ukraine, but apart from that, Turkey-France was on the agenda. It was a very productive and useful meeting where we discussed where we came from and what we can do in the next process, on many political, military, economic and cultural issues related to their relations. My hope is to continue this process as Turkey-France relations, according to the post-election developments.” he replied.
Reminding the summit joint statement, “Will this be enough for a solution at the point reached, at the point of aggravating the warnings, calls and sanctions in the statement? Also, did Turkey's peace diplomacy and its neutral stance set a model that other countries can take as an example, what are your predictions? Upon the question, President Erdoğan said, “The apparent truth is this; and almost the majority of NATO countries mainly act on sanctions. Because the opinion that methods other than sanctions cannot be useful is prevalent in the vast majority of leaders. Therefore, this is the spirit that prevails in the final declaration as well.” gave the answer.