8 Tips to Reduce Children's Screen Time

8 Tips to Reduce Children's Screen Time
8 Tips to Reduce Children's Screen Time

Many people now spend most of their day staring at the screen of their computer, phone, and tablet device. The length of time spent in front of the screens affects children the most. Laykon IT Operations Director Alev Akkoyunlu shares ways to prevent this situation with parents who think that their children spend too much time in front of the screen.

The time spent on a computer, tablet and phone is called screen time. The prolonged time spent with these devices creates numerous risks for adults and especially children, and also causes family members to spend less time with each other. Stating that parents are aware of this situation but cannot intervene because they do not know what to do, Laykon IT Operations Director Alev Akkoyunlu lists his suggestions under 8 headings that will help limit the time in front of the screen to a reasonable level.

1. Make a weekly schedule of allowed screen times. Get together and come up with a plan where you set the maximum screen time. Be creative and balanced when preparing this digital weekly calendar that you will create. You can put a day away from the digital world in your schedule or you can add hours of gaming.

2. Get help from apps to understand how much time you spend on screen-related activities. Thus, you can more accurately determine the new time you want to devote to digital activities, and see which things you want to do with devices you can postpone or replace with offline activities. With the Parental Control feature in Bitdefender Total Security, you can set how much time your children can spend in which application, as well as set screen time by placing restrictions and barriers.

3. Talk to your kids about online dangers. Talk to your children about the problems of spending too much time in front of the screen and let them understand that the restrictions and precautions you apply are for their safety. Remind yourself that violent video games, movies, images, or cyberbullying are very common, and discuss what you can do together to reduce security risks.

4. Sohbet Prioritize face-to-face communication over applications. Give up the habit of only talking to the people in your life online. Call your distant loved ones by phone or get together with relatives you have neglected for a long time even though you live in the same city.

5. Spend some of your screen time outdoors. Even adding a short walk outside to your day is better than spending all your time on your couch with your phone, tablet or laptop. You can go for a run, attend an artistic event or, if you have young children, play outside with them.

6. Schedule offline activities together. Your kids may say they're bored and have nothing to do when you put away your smart devices. Suggest playing a game, cooking, crafting, or drawing something together by generating alternatives to such an attitude. In this way, you can prevent them from spending too much time in front of the screen and enable them to have a new hobby.

7. Select a smartphone hotel. When at home, designate a common area for phones to stand instead of keeping them in your hands or in your clothes pockets. Turning off at least some of the notifications will also prevent you from constantly looking at the phone to check them.

8. Create areas in your home where the use of smart devices is not allowed, away from the internet. Stay away from screens in the dining room, bedroom, nursery or bathroom. Eating your meal in front of the screen reduces the interaction between the family. Note that most doctors recommend turning off devices such as phones and computers at least an hour before bedtime.

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