Karaismailoğlu Visited Ulak Communication Inc.

Karaismailoğlu Visited Ulak Communication Inc.
Karaismailoğlu Visited Ulak Communication Inc.

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Adil Karaismailoğlu, emphasizing that they have developed new strategies to move Turkey among the leading countries in electronic exports, said, “In such an age, technological independence is also the guarantee of our national independence. For this reason, we continue our work by adding our night to our day.”

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Adil Karaismailoğlu visited Ulak Communication Inc. Making a press statement after the visit, Karaismailoğlu said, “Ulak Communications, which has a national value in Turkey's broadband technologies, is a young organization established in 2017, which carries out R&D and engineering activities of mobile and broadband communication systems in our country. ULAK Communication, which carries out production, testing, assembly and integration as well as all kinds of marketing, import and export in communication systems, is among the most dynamic business partners of our Ministry.


Karaismailoğlu stated that an extremely important test was given and continues to be given by the country regarding the Kovid-19 epidemic, which shook the world and is one of the biggest health crises in history, and continued as follows:

“There is no challenge that we cannot overcome thanks to nation-state cooperation. While we spent 2021 with efforts to control and normalize the pandemic, we also achieved significant growth rates. We continued this growth trend in 2021 as well. We took our place among the few countries in the world. We broke a record in exports, which we increased by 33 percent compared to the previous year. We increased our exports to 225 billion dollars. We have determined our export target in 2022 as 250 billion dollars. We aim to have a large share in our technology exports in achieving this goal. Much more importantly; It is very important that we increase the rate of value-added technological products among our export items. Among our export products, the 45 percent increase in electrical-electronic devices and machinery shows that we are on the right track. We are developing new strategies to move our country among the leading countries in electronic exports. In such an age, technological independence is also the guarantee of our national independence. For this reason, we continue our work by adding our night to our day. As the Ministry, we left the year 2021 behind very productively and successfully.”


Emphasizing that they succeeded in sending Türksat 2021A and Türksat 5B into space in the same year in 5, when technology was in focus, Minister of Transport, Karaismailoğlu said, “With our new communication satellites, our value-added informatics and internet service capacity is developing as well as television broadcasts. In the field of broadcasting services, we have eliminated the scattered antennas that cause visual and electromagnetic pollution on Camlica Hill, Istanbul. We brought together 100 radio broadcasts by putting the Çamlıca Tower, the highest tower in Europe, which is a project that has moved forward in the field of broadcasting in Turkey and is an example to the world, to the service of our nation. We have also left behind important stages in the 5G technology studies, which we will pass with domestic and national opportunities," he said.


Pointing out that the electronic communication sector has grown by approximately 2021 percent as of the third quarter of 19, compared to the same period of the previous year, Karaismailoğlu said, “In the third quarter of 2021, our internet usage amount increased by 50 percent in fixed and 30 percent in mobile compared to the same period of the previous year. We have reduced the average tariff fee of our mobile operators from 10 cents per minute 8,6 years ago to 1,2 cents today.”

Stating that as the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, they are in cooperation with ULAK Communication, Minister of Transport Karaismailoğlu made the following assessments:

“Ulak Communications Inc., a member of the New Generation Mobile Communication Technologies Turkey Forum, which we established during the transition to 5G and beyond, new generation communication systems, provides active support to our transformation efforts in informatics. This young and dynamic company played an important role in the preparation of the 5G and Beyond White Paper. In addition, ULAK Communications' signature is included in the memorandum of understanding on the establishment of test network infrastructures in our 5G Valley Open Test Site project. In the 5G Valley we have created, there are various test trial network infrastructures, including ULAK Test Network Infrastructures. Within the scope of the 5G Valley Open Test Site agreement, the ULAK 4,5G base station and the 4,5G core network functions test network were established in the ULAK building. Collaborations were established with our mobile operators on the use of ULAK Base Station, which has a domestic product certificate. Currently, our determination to ensure that all of the base stations to be installed in 900 villages in our country will be from 4,5G Base stations of ULAK Communications.”


Karaismailoğlu said, "We are testing domestic and national connected autonomous vehicle technologies on our highways, which we have equipped with the latest technology and advanced smart systems, and have increased the transportation safety at a high level," and that they support the domestic and national product development studies of ULAK Communications together with the universities. Karaismailoğlu noted that they will further increase cooperation opportunities with ULAK, which is one of the leading organizations in the domestic and national development of transportation and communication technologies, and one of the national values ​​in broadband technologies.