Construction of Immigrant Multi-Storey Interchange Begins on January 8

Construction of Immigrant Multi-Storey Interchange Begins on January 8
Construction of Immigrant Multi-Storey Interchange Begins on January 8

Mersin Metropolitan Municipality will start the construction of the Immigrant Multi-Storey Junction, which is one of the important transportation projects and for which MESKI and other institutions have completed the infrastructure work, on 8 January. During the construction process of the multi-storey intersection, traffic flow will be provided from alternative routes.

Alternative routes are as follows;

Drivers coming from the east; It will be connected to Nevit Kodallı Street by following the 38 Ring Road to the left from 2,5th Street and proceeding south from Bakırcılar Mosque Junction. From there, he will be able to reach H. Okan Merzeci Boulevard by joining 7th Street and turning right on 22138th Street.

Drivers coming from the west, on the other hand, will be able to reach 2257 Electricity Junction by turning right in the direction of 48. Sokak (it will be one way from north to south) from the New Governor's Office.

Drivers going north from GMK Boulevard will be able to turn right on 2161. Street and proceed in the direction of 2132. Street, and then turn left to join H. Okan Merzeci Boulevard.

Drivers going south will be able to continue on 2619. Street and turn left at 2640. Street to join 7th Street. Afterwards, he will be able to turn left and exit 22138th Street to H. Okan Merzeci Boulevard.