Free Soup Distribution Started in Front of Cumaovası Izban Station

Free Soup Distribution Started in Front of Cumaovası Izban Station
Free Soup Distribution Started in Front of Cumaovası Izban Station

With the cold weather, Menderes Municipality started to distribute free soup in front of Cumaovası Izban Station.
Menderes Municipality continues to work with the understanding of social municipality. With the cold weather, the municipality offers hot soup to the citizens every morning in front of Cumaovası Izban Stop.

“We Will Continuing Our Works With Our Understanding of Social Municipalism”

Menderes Mayor Mustafa Kayalar, who made a statement about the service, said, “Your soup that will warm you up every morning is with you again at Cumaovası Izban Station. We are waiting for all our citizens to drink our soup between 6.30-8.30 in the morning.” said.

Stating that they will continue their human-oriented work with different projects, Kayalar concluded his words as follows: “We continue to stand by our fellow citizens with the social projects we carry out. We aimed to be with our citizens with the hot soup we serve every morning. In this context, we will continue our work with our understanding of social municipality.”