Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank, Prof. Dr. Regarding the 2022 Call of the Aziz Sancar Postdoctoral Research Scholarship Program abroad, “Our teacher Aziz Sancar will work in his own laboratory with the researchers to be selected.” used the phrase.
Minister Varank shared on his Twitter account regarding the call of TÜBİTAK.
“Another important step into the future.” In his post with his note, Varank said, “Prof. Dr. We are launching the Aziz Sancar Overseas Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program. Aziz Sancar will work in his own laboratory with the researchers to be selected.” made his statement.
According to the call announcement on TÜBİTAK's website, within the scope of the program, researchers will be provided with a one-time round-trip flight ticket support for a total of 3 people, including the research scholarship and the scholarship holder himself.
The amount of support to be given to the researchers will be 2 thousand 500 dollars per month, the support period will be at least 12, at the most 24 months, as long as reported by TÜBİTAK. Scholarship payments will be made monthly or quarterly.
Applicants must be a Turkish citizen, not working abroad, have received a doctoral degree or medical specialty within the last 7 years, or be able to receive support within 6 months from the date they are entitled to support, and must meet one of the foreign language proficiency conditions.
Applications will be made online through the internet address “ebideb.tubitak.gov.tr until March 4th.
Candidates who will be entitled to receive support in the final evaluation of the program, Prof. Dr. It will be determined by Aziz Sancar.