Eurasia Tunnel Fees Offered a 50% Night Discount

Eurasia Tunnel Fees Offered a 50% Night Discount
Eurasia Tunnel Fees Offered a 50% Night Discount

In the Eurasia Tunnel, as of 1 on January 2022, 00.00, a 50 percent discount is made in the night tariff, while the bridge tolls for the Bosphorus bridges, which were charged one way before, will be divided into two equal parts and charged in two directions.

According to the statement made by the General Directorate of Highways, the highway, Bosphorus bridges and Eurasia Tunnel tolls have been rearranged to be valid as of the first hour of the day.

Reminding that one-way pricing was made for the 15 July Martyrs and Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridges, the following was noted in the statement:

“As of January 1, 2022, bridge tolls have been divided into two equal parts and changed in two directions. The one-way car toll on the Bosphorus bridges was determined as 8,25 liras. In the Eurasia Tunnel, the car toll was determined as 05.00 liras in one direction between 00.00-53, and 00.00 liras with a 05.00% discount between 50-26,50. The increase in maintenance-operation costs and the increase in labor and material prices were taken into account in the arrangement made in order to extend the service times of the access-controlled highways, Bosphorus bridges and Eurasia Tunnel, which provide more economical, safe and shorter transportation, and to provide better quality service to our citizens.