5 Questions Most Wondered by Expectant Mothers

5 Questions Most Wondered by Expectant Mothers
5 Questions Most Wondered by Expectant Mothers

Gynecology Obstetrics and IVF Specialist Op. Dr. Elçim Bayrak gave information about the topics that expectant mothers asked the most and were most curious about during pregnancy. Stating that especially the parents-to-be who experienced their first pregnancy ask questions more frequently and with panic, Bayrak continued by saying, “Pregnancy is a wonderful feeling that every woman wants to experience, especially the healthy pregnancy process and the feeling of healthy birth after it is indescribable. During pregnancy, the expectant mother experiences many physical and spiritual changes. While trying to get used to these changes, on the other hand, he searches for answers to various questions in his mind. It is possible to list the most curious and asked questions of expectant mothers as follows; When will I feel my baby's movements? Will ultrasound examination bother my baby? Can I play sports while pregnant? What sports should I do? How will I decide on the birth method? Will I be able to lose the weight I gained after giving birth?

When will I feel my baby's movements?

Expectant mothers describe the first movements of their babies as flapping wings, rumbling, waving, elbowing. Feeling the movements is between 16-20 days depending on the weight of the baby, the position of the placenta in the uterus and the thickness of the mother's abdominal fat layer. possible within weeks. However, if the baby's movements are not felt until the 22nd week, it is necessary to apply to the obstetrician and gynecologist and evaluate the baby's condition with ultrasound.

Will ultrasound examination bother my baby?

This is one of the most misunderstood issues among the public. There is no data available on the negative effects of ultrasound examinations on the baby. Ultrasound, which is obtained by the reflection of sound waves that the human ear cannot hear, is not thought to disturb the baby in the mother's womb, but the examination to be made at the right frequencies is important for the health of the mother and baby.

Can I play sports while pregnant? What sports should I do?

Exercise during pregnancy is very beneficial, but every pregnant woman should consult her doctor before drawing up an exercise plan. Generally, expectant mothers who do regular sports before pregnancy can do sports until the 6th month of pregnancy (except for sports with body contact). After the 6th month, rest and calm life should be at the forefront. The goal of exercise should never be to lose weight or prevent weight gain. Care should be taken that the exercises are not long-lasting and not so demanding that the expectant mother leaves her breathless. But for a mother who has never exercised in her life, starting sports during pregnancy can only bring danger.

How will I decide on the birth method?

The mode of delivery is determined by the characteristics of the mother and the baby. In cases such as the baby's posture, weight, gestational week, multiple pregnancy, the mother's bone structure, the presence of herpes or warts in the genital area, the mother's hypertension, and previous myoma surgery, we, together with the mother-to-be, evaluate and guide the mother-to-be. Of course, our first choice is natural birth, but we can change this decision in situations that will endanger the baby and the mother. In addition, complications that may occur even at the planned delivery date can affect our decisions about the mode of delivery.

Will I be able to lose the weight I gained after giving birth?

Dr. Elçim Bayrak said, “After birth, approximately 4-5 kg ​​is given by itself and the body returns to its original state between 6 months and 1 year. In order to increase milk during breastfeeding, plenty of fluids should be consumed instead of sugary foods. It should not be forgotten that the weight gained during breastfeeding, not prenatally, is hard to lose.

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