Violent TV Shows May Unwittingly Harm a Child

Violent TV Shows May Unwittingly Harm a Child
Violent TV Shows May Unwittingly Harm a Child

Üsküdar University NPİSTANBUL Brain Hospital Specialist Clinical Psychologist Ömer Bayar pointed out that the Korean-made Squid Game, one of the most talked about TV series of recent days, can have negative effects especially on children due to the violence it contains.

It is noted that the Korean-made Squid Game, one of the most talked about productions of recent days, can have negative effects especially on children due to the violence it contains. Stating that it is possible to come across not only physical violence but also many sub-texts that can harm the values ​​of social life in this production, experts warn that these texts can be unconsciously embedded in the minds of children without even being aware of it. According to experts, parents should try to understand their children's interests and the content they follow, and limit the content they deem appropriate.

Üsküdar University NPİSTANBUL Brain Hospital Specialist Clinical Psychologist Ömer Bayar pointed out that the Korean-made Squid Game, one of the most talked about TV series of recent days, can have negative effects especially on children due to the violence it contains.

The effect of unlimited content is more dramatic

Stating that the psychological development of a person is shaped by experiences from birth, Ömer Bayar said, “Experiences do not have to be events experienced by the person himself. Our emotional, intellectual and behavioral repertoire is shaped indirectly through observation. While experiences in the past were mainly shaped around home, school, and neighborhood, access to unlimited content has emerged on online platforms and social media in today's technology age. The effect of this unlimited content is especially dramatic on children and adolescents, because their high-level cognitive skills such as decision making, reasoning, risk assessment, cause-effect relationship are not sufficiently developed and their vulnerability is higher.” he said.

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Ömer Bayar, who stated that in the past, news about people who were affected by different TV series, movies, cartoons and anime and who acted in risky and inappropriate behaviors in real life were frequently encountered, said: It is possible to come across people who try to fly from the balcony, attack the actor who plays the villain in the series in real life, try to imitate the same risky behaviors by being influenced by the content they watch, and as a result harm themselves or their surroundings. said.

Squid Game gives negative messages

Pointing out that the effects of the Squid Game series, which has been on the agenda recently, have also been discussed, Expert Clinical Psychologist Ömer Bayar said:

“There are many news that the content of the production called Squid Game, which is very popular around the world at the moment, has become viral and is tried to be re-staged by different age groups. Incidents such as school students competing with each other and beating the losers are thought to be dramatic examples of the psychological effects of violent productions. In addition, it is possible to come across many sub-texts that can harm not only physical violence but also the values ​​of social life in this production. E.g;

-The innocence of violence as an entertainment material by combining it with games,

-The strong can dominate the weak as they wish, and the strong will get away with what they do,

-The weak will not be wanted and excluded, and women are weaker and worthless, especially through the discrimination between men and women,

-Women can gain the protection and privilege they need by using their femininity,

- Relationships are built on benefit, a person is only valuable as long as it benefits you,

-Everyone can act in their own way unless there is an audit and external control,

-The wishes of the minority can be ignored as long as the majority agrees,

Ignoring another's needs and predicament, and empathy creates a barrier to self-interest

- A paranoid ground is supported by the fact that it is necessary to be skeptical in the relationship and that even the person you trust most closely can betray you.

May affect children unknowingly

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Ömer Bayar said that many of the sub-texts listed above can be unconsciously embedded in children's minds without even being aware of it, and may cause their personalities to be greatly affected during the period they are still taking shape.

Disadvantages should be explained appropriately.

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Ömer Bayar emphasized that although television and digital platforms impose age restrictions for content, it should not be forgotten that accessing these contents is very easy for any child today, and said:

“Particularly, parents should try to understand their children's interests and the content they follow, and limit the content they do not deem appropriate. In addition, they should observe how the content their children watch affects them when they cannot limit it, they should talk to their children in an empathetic language when there is a situation that attracts their attention, and they should correct the wrong thoughts by explaining to them why the content in question is not appropriate and its objectionable aspects in a language that their children can understand.

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