Inspections and Increased Awareness in Traffic Reduced Loss of Life in Accidents

Inspections and Increased Awareness in Traffic Reduced Loss of Life in Accidents
Inspections and Increased Awareness in Traffic Reduced Loss of Life in Accidents

The Traffic Department of the General Directorate of Security has organized successive projects and campaigns in the last 5 years, upon the instructions of the Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu, in order to ensure that road users can continue their lives in a more conscious and reliable traffic environment in road traffic.

We Are All Together On This Road

The projects called We Are All Together on This Road, Red Whistle for the Wrong Driver, Priority of Life, We are the Guard of Pedestrian Safety, Pedestrian First Application and Pedestrian Red Line, implemented by our Ministry, have increased awareness among pedestrians as well as drivers and reduced pedestrian deaths in traffic accidents.

While the pedestrian fault was 2016% in 8.7 in the distribution of fatal and injured traffic accidents, this rate decreased to 2020% in 7.

According to the data, drivers ranked first with 88.3% in the distribution of faults in traffic accidents last year. Passenger fault ranked second with 1.4%, road fault was 0.5 and vehicle fault was 2.7.

Red Whistle

Within the scope of the Red Whistle for the Wrong Driver campaign launched in 2019, especially for children;

  • 900 thousand red whistles,
  • 150 thousand traffic duty cards,
  • 60 thousand traffic-themed coloring books,
  • With 60 thousand traffic puzzles
  • 14.850 T-shirts and hats were distributed.

So far, Pedestrian First Visual has been applied to 43.529 pedestrian crossings, 20.151 pedestrian crossings, 21.182 school crossings to 12.580 school crossings across the country.

Give Way to Life

During the Eid al-Adha in 2021, with the campaign themed Give Way to Life, which was launched with the aim of raising awareness on drivers, especially on safety belts, helmet use, and attention in traffic, the slogans were prepared with the slogans Give Way to Life with Your Helmet, Give Way to Life with Your Belt, Give Way to Life with Your Patience, Give Way to Life with Your Attention. The images were printed and broadcast in public spaces, social media accounts, TV and radio organizations.

Tunnel of Life Project

The Tunnels of Life Project was implemented with the slogan of A Short Break for Life, in order to ensure that drivers are informed about traffic safety in different areas at fixed checkpoints on inter-city roads and in appropriate areas.

In the life tunnels created, specially prepared short films on the necessity of using seat belts, the negative effects of mobile phones on human attention, the effects of excessive speed and normal cruising speed on human life, and accidents caused by close follow-up and incorrect lane change were watched by the vehicle driver and passengers.

Traffic Detectives Project

With the Traffic Education for Children (Traffic Detectives) Project, approximately 3 million children have been given traffic training so far in schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education and pre-school institutions, summer Quran courses, children's love houses and summer schools for children aged 17-11.

In addition to the trainings given, traffic trainings were organized in children's traffic training parks in order to teach the traffic rules practically. A standard parking project was developed in order to modernize and renew existing traffic training parks and to implement new traffic training parks in provinces that do not exist.

Children's traffic education parks, created with a new concept, have been put into operation in 13 provinces so far. There are 176 children's traffic education parks across the country.

Despite the pandemic process, 2021 students were given practical training in a 2022-month period in the 2-17.739 academic year.

Mobile Traffic Training Trucks

With the Mobile Traffic Training Trucks on Turkey Roads Project implemented between our Ministry and the Ministry of National Education, 2 trucks allocated to the Traffic Directorate were modernized, and besides the theory, students were trained by using the traffic signs and traffic lights on the portable traffic track created in addition to the theory.

Since the beginning of the project, 77 students visited the mobile trucks and received training in 700 schools in 53.774 provinces.

“Life Looks at Bi Movement” Campaign

Our Minister Mr. With the instruction of Süleyman Soylu, the Bi Movement Bakar Life campaign was launched as of November 1, in order to emphasize the importance of the seat belt.

Within the scope of the said campaign, various activities were held simultaneously across the country on 12 November and the drivers were informed.