Karaismailoğlu Celebrated PTT's 181st Anniversary at Sirkeci Grand Post Office

karaismailoglu celebrated the age of the post office in the historical big post office of circus
karaismailoglu celebrated the age of the post office in the historical big post office of circus

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Adil Karaismailoğlu said that the restoration of the tugras at the Sirkeci Great Post Office is an expression of the effort to keep the material and spiritual heritage alive. Celebrating the 181st anniversary of the PTT, Karaismailoğlu stated that they are making an effort to be among the top 5 countries in Europe by using innovative technologies in postal services.

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Adil Karaismailoğlu attended the 181th anniversary celebration of the PTT and the Positioning of Tugras and Coats of Arms on the Exterior of the Sirkeci Great Post Office Building.

Underlining that the PTT, which aims to provide quality and economic services in the field of mail, cargo and banking with the awareness of social responsibility, impresses with the recent innovations, Karaismailoğlu said, “PTT is a well-established and valuable organization that takes its strength from history and takes firm steps forward by renewing itself. Great and strong Turkey is developing its understanding of service day by day by fulfilling its responsibilities in the steps we take in line with our goal. Especially during the pandemic that has affected our country and the whole world for the last two years, our PTT, with all its members, has stood by our nation whenever our country needs it, and has not withheld its support from any of our citizens, young or old," he said.


Ottoman Sultan II. Karaismailoğlu noted that the tugras belonging to Abdulhamid Han and V. Mehmet Reşat were repositioned at the Sirkeci Great Post Office, and continued as follows:

“As a nation that established civilization on three continents, we know very well that one of the criteria of civilization is to 'reconstruct' your place. Just as it is important to protect and revive historical assets, it is equally important that the 'signatures' of those who made them are on their works, and that the people who add these values ​​to our culture are recognized by our youth. As the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure; While equipping our country with divided roads and highways, covering it with high-speed train and subway networks, crossing impassable mountains with tunnels, deep valleys with viaducts, making the airline 'the way of the people', competing with the world in maritime and ship production, using the most advanced technologies in the internet and communication. We know very well to protect the works made before us and to remember the labor rights and signatures of our ancestors who made them. The historical Great Sirkeci Post Office, Silivri Mimar Sinan Bridge and Tokat Hıdırlık Bridge are our 'title deeds' in these lands. As Master Cemil Meriç stated; 'History is the only architect of national unity and national consciousness'. We protect our history with our maintenance, repairs and restorations.”

The Minister of Transport, Karaismailoğlu, said, “The restoration of the monograms in Sirkeci Great Post Office is an expression of our effort to preserve our material and spiritual heritage in accordance with its original form.” We have always been aware of the importance of a strong infrastructure in order to increase foreign investments coming to our country.”


Emphasizing that they support domestic and national steps with increasing importance and sensitivity in the investments made in line with the Transportation and Logistics Master Plan, Karaismailoğlu said that they are increasing the use of domestic and national capabilities and products in the field of communication, as in every mode of transportation.


Expressing that, under the leadership of President Erdoğan, they prioritize user satisfaction in communication and postal services along with all transportation modes, Karaismailoğlu made the following assessments:

“On the one hand, as the Ministry, we are making efforts to establish and expand the legal infrastructure of micro-mobility vehicles, which is a new practice in urban transportation. On the other hand, we also use our electric vehicles, which is a more practical application that reduces carbon emissions, in PTT service. In June of this year, we started to use 100 e-scooters in our Istanbul distribution centers. With these vehicles, we delivered nearly 450 thousand shipments to their owners in three months. With the PTT Card service, real postal check account holders within the PTT will be able to use their balances in place of cash for cash withdrawals from bank ATMs and for domestic and international shopping. In this way, there are 6,7 million PttKart customers.”


Underlining that they have developed a national e-payment card system that can be used in all transportation vehicles throughout the country with the Turkey Card Project, Karaismailoğlu said, “We have completed the Türkiyekart system software studies, PTT ATM and workplace integrations and infrastructure installations. We are in cooperation with all our municipalities to put the system into service. With TürkiyeKart, it will be ensured that the transportation system throughout our country will serve in full integration.”


Beyond such innovative works of PTT; Karaismailoğlu stated that they aim to develop the services offered in the postal sector to be carried out in a digital environment, and noted that they aim to establish the legal basis of digital signature in mail and cargo, to increase service quality and customer satisfaction, and to establish the National Electronic Mail System, which will be developed with domestic and national resources. At the same time, by using innovative technologies in postal services, they are making an effort to be among the top 5 countries in Europe in terms of service quality and consumer satisfaction, Minister of Transport Karaismailoğlu said, "Besides those who envy all our efforts and service moves, There will certainly be those who oppose. However, we are in love with this city, this country and these people.”