International Fishing Competition Started

International Fishing Competition Started
International Fishing Competition Started

Adding value to the lives of citizens with its many projects, Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality also supports many international and national competitions. The “International Fishing Competition” organized by Kocaeli Sportive Anglers and Nature Conservation Association with the support of the Metropolitan Municipality and Gölcük Municipality started with the opening program at the Tryp By Wyndham Hotel in Başiskele.


90 amateur anglers from Turkey, Azerbaijan, England, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Netherlands and Tunisia are participating in the competition. The anthems of the countries participating in the competition were sung in the opening program, which was held before the competitions that will start on the Gölcük Değirmendere Beach on Saturday, October 30th at 16:XNUMX. Kocaeli Provincial Culture and Tourism Director Fatih Taşdelen, Başiskele District Governor Necip Çakmak, Gölcük Mayor Ali Sezer Yıldırım, Kocaeli Chamber of Shipping President Vedat Doğusel, Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Environmental Protection and Control Department Head Mesut Önem, Kocaeli Sportive Anglers and Nature Conservation. Association Kadir Cihan Pestil and amateur anglers participated. After the protocol speeches in the opening program, Mesut Önem, Head of the Environmental Protection and Control Department of the Metropolitan Municipality, stated that the scale of the Gulf of Izmit; A presentation was made on Sustainable Environmental Management.


Speaking at the opening program, Mayor of Gölcük Ali Yıldırım Sezer said, “When we look at Kocaeli in terms of its location, it is located at a place where the Marmara Sea ends, which is unique in the world. It has a coastline of 70 kilometers to the Black Sea and 120 kilometers to the Marmara Sea. Many maritime activities are carried out in our city in terms of sports. We have a sailing club in Gölcük. We had a competition yesterday, we started it, we will conclude it tomorrow. The sea is actually a part of our lives, with commerce on the one hand and sports activities on the other. The city of Kocaeli is the city that causes the least damage to the Sea of ​​Marmara, especially the Gulf of Izmit, and takes care of its sea. 65 percent of all domestic and industrial waste in Kocaeli goes through biological treatment. So nitrogen is definitely purified. The remaining 35 percent is subjected to advanced biological treatment.


Kocaeli Provincial Culture and Tourism Director Fatih Taşdelen, who started his speech with the wish of success to the competitors coming from outside the province and abroad, said, “Our country and our city have hosted many civilizations since the past. Our city is also very rich in terms of tourism. In fact, there is an industrial city perception for Kocaeli in the world and in our country, but when we look at it, industrial zones cover one and a half percent of our city. Residential areas account for four and a half percent, and the remaining 95 percent are nature, agriculture and tourism areas. Stating that they are hosting the competition at an international level today, Kocaeli Chamber of Shipping Chairman Vedat Doğusel said, “The maritime trade in Kocaeli is in the position of being the leader of Turkey in every field. Kocaeli is an exemplary city for Turkey in maritime with its 36 ports, 13 Fishermen's Associations, many non-governmental organizations and beaches. When we look at the cities whose maritime has become an example in the world, these cities have developed all branches of maritime. We dream of a city that lives with all the elements of maritime, as in the Happy City slogan of our Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality.”


Stating that they founded their association by chasing a dream in 2017, Kocaeli Chamber of Shipping Chairman Vedat Doğusel, Kocaeli Sportive Anglers and Nature Conservation Association Kadir Cihan Pestil said, "We are in various parts of our country, especially Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, Gölcük Municipality and Kocaeli Chamber of Shipping. We hosted many beautiful organizations with the support of our supporting institutions and organizations. Our dream was to introduce the angling of Kocaeli and Turkey to the whole world. Today, we host more than 8 foreign competitors from 20 different countries and around 12 master fishermen from 70 different cities in our city. We are proud to carry out this organization. The picture before us today is the fulfillment of our dreams of years ago.”