The 4 Most Common Gynecological Diseases

most common gynecological diseases
most common gynecological diseases

Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Op. Dr. Meral Sönmezer gave important information on the subject.

1. Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge, which is one of the most common gynecological problems in women, is the physiological discharge that is usually seen in every woman and is quite natural. Although vaginal discharges are generally white, transparent and odorless, some conditions cause deterioration of the balanced vaginal flora and abnormal vaginal discharges. Abnormal vaginal discharges in different colors are a sign of different health problems. Therefore, if you are experiencing a discharge problem, it is important to monitor the color, smell, density and consistency of the discharge in order to take early precautions against possible diseases. infections (Candida Albicans) and infection-related vaginal inflammation such as trichomonas. Fungal infection is a result of weakening of the immune system and changing the pH balance due to hormones. In fungal infection, which is seen in the form of white milk cuts, the discharge is accompanied by a sharp, foul odor, but this causes complaints such as itching, burning, irritation, painful urination or pain during intercourse. Vaginal discharge; If it is thick, with a foul odor, and appears yellow or green in color, such discharge may be a sign of Trichomonas infection, which is usually transmitted through sexual intercourse. In the diagnosis of trichomonas infection, symptoms such as itching, redness, irritation, burning during urination and frequent urination should not be ignored. Bacterial vaginosis; It is one of the abnormal vaginal discharges that can be seen in a gray color, transparent and sometimes foamy structure, giving symptoms with a discharge similar to a bad fish odor. Bacterial vaginosis, which is caused by the deterioration of the vaginal flora and accompanied by symptoms such as itching, irritation, redness, can cause painful sexual intercourse problems. If such abnormal vaginal discharges are seen, you should definitely consult a gynecologist and obstetrician.

2. Menstrual Irregularity

Menstrual irregularity is a common condition experienced by women of all ages. While a normal menstrual cycle is between 21-35 days, if the menstrual bleeding occurs earlier or later than the menstrual cycle, this is called menstrual irregularity. Menstrual irregularity that can develop due to different reasons is most often caused by hormonal reasons. In order for a woman to have a regular period, it is important that the hypothalamus, pituitary, ovary and uterus are in balance and that the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which are the determining hormones in the menstrual cycle, are secreted in a healthy way. Formations such as polyps and cysts seen in the reproductive organs of women (ovary, uterus) constitute approximately 25 percent of the causes of menstrual irregularity in women. Conditions that may lead to menstrual irregularity and intermediate bleeding are: Thickening of the endometrial tissue (Adenomyosis), problems related to ovulation, absence of eggs in the egg reserve. , fibroids, polyps or cysts, regularly used hormonal drugs, birth control pills and morning after pills, hormonal disorders, infectious conditions, cysts in the uterus and ovaries. Physiological conditions experienced constitute a large part of the causes of menstrual irregularity. Stressful life, depression, excessive weight gain, sudden weight loss, dietary changes, seasonal and environmental changes, heavy exercise programs, chronic diseases and some medications are physiological conditions that cause menstrual irregularity. The causes of menstrual irregularity may vary from person to person. Therefore, if you are experiencing menstrual irregularity, if you experience intermittent bleeding between menstrual cycles, or if your menstrual period is severe and painful, you should definitely consult a gynecologist. Thus, the cause of menstrual irregularity is determined and appropriate treatment is started.

3. Groin Pain

Although there are many reasons leading to the complaint of inguinal pain, groin pain in women can be caused by a harmless condition related to the reproductive system, related to ovulation; Diseases such as ovarian cysts, vaginal infections, urinary tract infections, digestive system disorders, sports injuries and strain-induced conditions are also among the most common causes of inguinal pain. Conditions that cause groin pain are; ovulation pain, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), ovarian cysts, fibroids, adenomyosis and endometriosis, urinary tract infection, cystitis and urethritis, adhesions (intra-abdominal adhesions), endometrial polyp, use of spirals, recent birth and cesarean section surgery, overactive bladder, lumbar and inguinal hernia, appendicitis, stone and sand formations in the bladder and urinary tract, constipation, ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage, stress, depression and other psychological disorders. It is a sensitive issue that should not be ignored and the cause of which should be investigated. Therefore, if you are experiencing groin pain, you should definitely seek support from a specialist doctor if the pain does not go away and reaches an uncomfortable size. It is very important to get professional support in order to determine the cause of the groin pain complaint and to perform the appropriate treatment for the underlying cause of the pain.

4. Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence, the medical equivalent of which is urinary incontinence, is an involuntary incontinence that occurs beyond the control of the person. Urinary incontinence;

  • Stress urinary incontinence
  • Urge incontinence (overactive bladder)
  • There are varieties, including mixed type urinary incontinence. The majority of urinary incontinence in women is stress urinary incontinence.

urinary incontinence; It can occur involuntarily during movements that increase intra-abdominal pressure such as coughing, sneezing, lifting heavy weights, and exercise, as well as in the case of not being able to reach the toilet in case of sudden strong urine need. If we look at the causes of urinary incontinence; birth, giving birth to a large baby, menopause, overweight, obesity, alcohol consumption, diabetes, genetics (loose connective tissue in some women), constipation, urinary tract infections, urinary tract stones, some diseases affecting the central and peripheral nervous system, asthma, Diseases such as chronic bronchitis, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's are the causes of urinary incontinence.

The problem of urinary incontinence, which is a condition that negatively affects the quality of life of the person, is easily solved by using different treatment methods such as medication or surgery, depending on the type of urinary incontinence, after determining the type of urinary incontinence. While the urinary incontinence problem is still mild, the chance of success in drug treatment and surgical treatments is quite high.


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