To be employed within the General Secretariat of the Council of Judges and Prosecutors within the scope of paragraph (A) of Article 657 of the Civil Servants Law No. 4, 10 positions with the 2th degree and 9 positions with the 3th degree within the framework of the Regulation on Exam, Appointment and Transfer of the Personnel of the Board of Judges and Prosecutors. According to the results of the competition (applied and/or oral) exam to be held on the basis of the KPSS score of 5 and the education level, personnel will be recruited for a total of 10 data preparation and control operator staff and 5 staff of 2020th grade servants.
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Application Place and Form
Candidates must personally apply to the Board of Judges and Prosecutors together with the necessary documents by filling in all the relevant parts by obtaining the "2021 Data Preparation and Control Operator/Service Entrance Exam Job Request Form" available on the hsk.gov.tr website. required. (Application address: Safety District, Mevlana Boulevard No: 4 Yenimahalle / ANKARA)
Applications will be made in person and applications made by mail or similar means will not be accepted.
Applications will start on 04/10/2021 and will end on 08/10/2021 at the end of the working hours (17:30). Applications not made within the deadline will be deemed invalid.
The exam to be held for the data preparation and control operator staff will be held in two stages as a practice exam and an oral exam. Those who are among the 5 candidates who are 25 times the number of positions announced according to the KPSS(B) Group score types will be entitled to participate in the practice exam (keyboard exam). The practice exam will be held on Saturday, 16/10/2021 at 09:00 in the building of the Council of Judges and Prosecutors, and those who are successful in this exam http://www.hsk.gov.tr will be announced at For those who are successful in the practice exam, an oral exam will be held at the Council of Judges and Prosecutors, starting from 26:10 on 2021/09/00.
For the staff, those who are among the 5 candidates who are 25 times the number of positions announced according to the KPSS(B) Group score types will be entitled to participate in the oral exam. An oral exam will be held in the building of the Council of Judges and Prosecutors starting from 26:10 on 2021/09/00.
Each candidate will be able to apply for only one post, which is announced according to his educational status. Candidates who apply for more than one post will not be evaluated as their applications will be deemed invalid.