Children Who Have Difficulty Returning To School May Have Communication Problems

Children who have difficulty returning to school may experience communication problems
Children who have difficulty returning to school may experience communication problems

As the time to go back to school approaches, many parents worry about their children, thinking about what will happen at school. Specialist Clinical Psychologist İlkim Seray Kılınç, one of the experts at Doctor Calendar, offers valuable suggestions for parents who want to make this period easier for their child and themselves.

In the process we are in, each of us has tried to rearrange our lifestyle, habits, work and social life most of the time, and make it suitable for the process. While we didn't know anything yet, we tried not to leave the house and constantly tried to protect ourselves and our loved ones. In this whole process, each of us was very tired at some times, maybe we felt that we were out of shape… Maybe we were so worn out that we even forgot ourselves, postponed, postponed… But now we have approached such a time period that all our responsibility of being a parent has come upon us… It is difficult to be a parent. craft; It requires effort, effort, and unconditional acceptance. Most of the time, we struggle nose to nose with questions we don't know, we are exposed, but we still have to be patient. Because patience is in the dough of being a parent.

Despite all the pandemic conditions, almost the only assets we have not postponed are our children... We tried to fulfill all their wishes without listening to the pandemic as much as we could. During almost the entire academic year, not only children spend their entire education life online; parents spent time with them on the computer or tablet, trying to connect to the lesson and checking the exam schedule. Well, what will it be like and what will we encounter when we return to school face to face at the end of a period that we spent at home for a whole year? Clinical Psychologist İlkim Seray Kılınç, one of the experts at Doctor Calendar, explains.

If you reflect your anxiety on the child, you will instill it in him.

exp. cln. Ps. Kılınç says that parents who remind their children not to take off their masks at school and to wash their hands constantly during this period should not forget that children are individuals too: “There are things that our children learn through their own thoughts, wishes and struggles in life. At this stage, the more we reflect the anxiety we feel as parents to them, perhaps we may inadvertently instill this in our children who do not even know what anxiety means. Please try to understand what you really feel by checking yourself at this time. Children are mirrors reflecting their parents, your fears and anxieties may be on them.”

Try to understand your child's feelings

While studying is a very difficult activity for children, working from home and being in front of the screen almost increased this difficulty several times. On top of that, considering the holidays and travels made, this year children are expecting a year where they will have more difficulties. Stating that at this stage, children may have difficulties in communicating and have problems in expressing themselves, Uzm. cln. Ps. Kılınç underlines that this is a normal situation and that children who have only been in face-to-face contact with their families for about 17 months may be confused about what, how and to what extent they will do it when they come together with people.

Stating that parents should be patient at this point, Dr. cln. Ps. Kılınç said, “Even though it is difficult, the last thing we want him to think that you do not understand him is not even the last thing. Trying to understand emotionally and being able to show that you only share what they feel can become one of the most important ways we communicate with them. Remember that; When you're struggling as a parent, they're just as struggling as you are. All emotions can be understood and felt, we just try to hide them so that children do not understand. How we overcame something together during the process with our children; Be sure, you can start by trying to share and understand their feelings.”

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