take care of heart health in the heat

Attention to Heart Health in Hot!

Cardiovascular Diseases Specialist Specialist. Dr. Muharrem Arslandağ gave information about the subject. Cardiovascular diseases, which are the most important cause of death today, are due to increasing technology. [more…]

Work Started on the Old Mardin Road
21 Diyarbakir

Works Started on Old Mardin Road

Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality started expansion and renovation works on the 4.5 kilometer long street connecting the Old Mardin Road to the new Mardin Road. Metropolitan Municipality, Kırklar Mountain, Ongözlü Bridge [more…]

Turkey's most famous nature walk routes

Turkey's Most Famous Hiking Routes

​The smell of the soil, the fascinating atmosphere of nature, lush green trees, the chirping of birds... All these are just a few of the beauties that come to mind when nature walks are mentioned. Going on nature walks, city [more…]