Work continues unabated on the Pirinkayalar Tunnel, which is under construction at the pass near Tortum Lake and Tortum Waterfall on Erzurum – Artvin Road. The Pirinkayalar Pass, which is a single road with a surface covering of 4 km, which has a very low physical and geometric standard due to its high longitudinal slope, narrow and sharp bends, will be bypassed within the scope of the project, and will be crossed with the Pirinkayalar Tunnel of 2.250 m and the connection road of 1.100 m.
While the excavation works in the tunnel were completed in the project, which is in the standard of a single road with a bituminous hot mix coating, 94 percent progress was achieved in the production of coating concrete. Work continues on the coating concrete and connection road.
With the completion of the Pirinkayalar Tunnel, which is planned to be put into service this year, the route will be reduced by 685 meters and the travel time will be shortened by 15-20 minutes. The tunnel, which will provide safe and comfortable transportation, will increase the tourism potential by facilitating access to the region.