We Must Transform Physical Workers into Mental

we must transform physical workers into mental
we must transform physical workers into mental

Halıcı Group CEO and Society 5.0 Academy President Dr. Hüseyin Halıcı said that physical workers should be transformed into mental ones by acting from the perspective of Society 5.0. Halıcı Group CEO and Society 5.0 Academy President Dr. Hüseyin Halıcı took part as a speaker in the seminar titled “Industry 2023 Now – Industry 4.0 Tomorrow” held online within the scope of Forum Istanbul 5.0 Conferences organized by the strategic partnership of the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM) and the Finance World.

The seminar, moderated by Dünya Newspaper General Coordinator & Writer Vahap Munyar, was attended by Dr. In addition to Halıcı, Doruk and ProManage Corp. Board Member Aylin Tülay Özden, UiPath Turkey General Manager Tuğrul Cora and DOF Robotics Board Chairman Mustafa Mertcan attended.


Answering the question of whether it is possible for Turkey to transition to Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 together, Dr. Halıcı explained the dilemma he has faced in the Turkish industry in the last 20 years as follows:

“For many years, employees have been faced with the dilemma of either adapting to Industry 4.0 and turning to different areas or being completely unemployed, and on the other hand, employers need automation, robotization or smart systems in order to ensure sustainable performance and productivity, which are the most important issues in competition. we stayed. The reason for this is that, with the World Crisis in 2008, production shifted to the Far East, especially China, and the Europeans put forward Industry 4.0 in order to make production unmanned in order to compete with the Far East. In 2016, Japan announced the concept of Society 5.0, which puts people at the center and aims to digitize all areas as well as industry.”

Pointing out that the digital maturity level of the Turkish industry is 2.8, so physical work is intense, Dr. Stating that if Industry 4.0 is adopted, people may face the danger of being unemployed, Halıcı noted that digitalization should be brought to the fore with the concept of Society 4.0, which affects all areas of human life, not Industry 5.0.


Stating that business owners and managers were not able to fully transition to automation-based Industry 3.0 while following the developments in the world, they thought and postponed the transition to Industry 4.0, which is artificial intelligence-based production. Halici stated that Covid-19 has revealed the necessity and importance of these technologies with all its reality.

Stating that all businesses want to be integrated into digital transformation, they aim to do something in this area, and that there is a high level of awareness on this issue, Dr. Halici emphasized the importance of education by expressing that the biggest problem is to be understood correctly.

Stating that the stakeholders work alone in the current studies on digital transformation, Dr. Halıcı said, “If the public, private sector, NGOs and education come together and work together with a minimum 5-year planning, then success will be achieved.” he said.


Underlining the key importance of human resources, Dr. Stating that the concepts of Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 must be considered together, Halıcı concluded his speech as follows:

“If we do not consider Industry 4.0 together with the concept of Society 5.0, we will have laid the groundwork for unemployment. We will have brought production to a certain point and have earned some income, but our social approach will not be at the right point. For this reason, it is necessary to transform physical workers into mental ones by acting from the perspective of Society 5.0.”

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