MKEK Introduced Its New Weapons at the Efficiency and Technology Fair

mkek introduced its new weapons at the efficiency and technology fair
mkek introduced its new weapons at the efficiency and technology fair

MKEK showed its new weapons at the Efficiency and Technology fair held at ATO Congresium. MKEK showed the MMT machine gun, MOT919 submachine gun, TLS571 semi-automatic rifle and MPT76MH and PMT76/57 at the show. MKEK also introduced the ammunition and rifles that are in production at the stand.

MOT919 is a submachine gun that works with a gas piston system. It has an M-Lok fore-end and a 6-stage telescopic stock. It has a 224 mm barrel. The gun makes 900 rounds per minute. It has a weight of 2300 gr. It will replace the MP5s in the EGM and TAF inventory. Qualification tests continue.

TLS571 is a personnel defense weapon that works with a short stroke gas piston system. Same as MPT55, only 178mm barrel. It has a 6-stage telescopic stock. It makes 750 beats per minute. The weight of the gun is 2750 grams. It has an effective range of 200 meters. Qualification tests continue.

TLS-571 and MOT-919 Technical Specifications
TLS-571 ENG-919
Diameter 5.56mm x 45 NATOs 9 x 19 mm
Working system Gas Piston Moving Rotary Head With Interlock
Initial Speed 700 m / s 350 m / s
Distribution 4 MOA 4 MOA
Magazine Capacity 30
Weight 2750 gr 2300 gr
Length 630 / 715 mm 475 mm
Effective Range 200 m 100 m
Barrel Length 178 mm 255 mm
Number of Horses 750 beats/min 900 Beats/minute
Firing Sensitivity 15-30 Newtons 20-30 Newtons
Ignition Type Semi / Fully Automatic
Butt Adjustable (telescopic), 84 mm, 6 steps
Number of Groove Sets 6

The MPT-76MH is the 76 gram weight-reduced version of the MPT-500. Instead of the 12 gauge stock, the 5 gauge telescopic buttstock has been replaced with the Kayi stamp as in the MPT-55. The barrel and trunk have been thinned. If we look at other AR-10 rifles, it is in the 4-4,5 kg band. (HK417 4,4 kg, SIG716 4 kg) If we look at 7,62×51 rifles in general, they are between 3,6 kg and 4,5 kg. (SCAR-H 3,63 kg).

The PMT76/57 is the 7,62 machine gun developed for the platform. FN Mag clone. There are two versions. One for platforms and the other for coaxial machine gun needs of tanks and armored vehicles. PMT-76/57 has started to enter the Land Forces inventory.

The MMT machine gun was developed 100% domestically. Like the Russian machine guns, it is right-fed. It works with gas piston system. The top cover of the rifle has a picatini rail. The barrel is easily replaceable and has a 6-stage telescopic stock. It has a weight of 8 kg. It uses 7,62×51 NATO ammunition. It makes 750 beats per minute. The weapon will enter qualification tests. It will replace the MG3s.

21 Diyarbakir

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