Reduce Your Stress Level with Yoga, Pilates and Meditation

reduce your stress level with yoga pilates and meditation
reduce your stress level with yoga pilates and meditation

In order to avoid stress, relax and find our own way, we need to get away from everything that makes us feel negative for a while. Stating that yogis who attended his classes can relax their minds and stay in balance more easily, Studio Best Self Founder Emir Kurşunoğlu suggests 6 basic yoga postures that will remove stress from your body and mind.

With the latest research conducted by Ipsos and the World Economic Forum in 28 countries around the world, the effects of the pandemic process on business life have been revealed. The work life that moved to homes within the scope of coronavirus measures caused employees to be alone with anxiety, stress and loneliness. Turkey, on the other hand, ranked as the 69rd country with the highest stress level among the 28 countries surveyed, with a rate of 3%. In this process where we spend more time at home, our most important need is to keep our mind off the agenda and to store the feelings that are good for the soul. Studio Best Self, which offers online yoga, pilates lessons and meditation sessions for different levels at different times of the day, helps to stay mentally balanced with its various classes and instructors specialized in different disciplines for yoga lovers who want to practice as they wish.

In a study conducted by Ipsos and the World Economic Forum on 28 employees from 13 countries around the world, it was observed that anxiety, stress and loneliness levels increased during the pandemic period. Besides these; Reasons such as anxiety in job security, fear of losing their job, decreased productivity, feeling isolated, difficulty in balancing home and work and flexible working hours increase the level of anxiety of employees. Turkey, on the other hand, was the third country with the highest stress level among the 69 countries surveyed, with a rate of 28%. Individuals are looking for ways to get rid of all these worries when starting the day or after a tiring day. Yoga, pilates and meditation classes, which are available online according to today's conditions, are among the trends that help meet this need. Based on this, Studio Best Self aims to contribute to reducing the stress level by overcoming the barriers placed on the bodies with online yoga, pilates classes and meditation sessions suitable for different levels, with special options for those who want to relax not only their body but also their mind and soul.

Reduce Your Stress Level with Yoga, Pilates and Meditation

In order to avoid stress, relax and find our own way, we need to get away from everything that makes us feel negative for a while. Stating that yogis who attended his classes can relax their minds and stay in balance more easily, Studio Best Self Founder Emir Kurşunoğlu suggests 6 basic yoga postures that will remove stress from your body and mind.

1. Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

While standing, fold forward with a straight spine with your knees slightly bent and try bringing your fingers to the floor in front of your feet. Try to bring your chest closer to your upper legs and straighten your legs as much as possible. Grasp your elbows with opposite hands. Focus on softening your chin, neck, eye area and clearing thoughts from your mind. Hold the pose for five breaths, then stand up slowly.

Uttanasana has many benefits, such as calming a busy mind, promoting calmness, and balancing the nervous system.

2. Child Pose (Balasana)

Sit on your heels, spread your knees at mat distance and bring your head towards the floor. You can stretch your arms forward or to the side of your legs. Breathe into your waist. You can stay in this resting position for between 30 seconds and a few minutes. To get out of the pose, get into a sitting position with your vertebrae slowly overlapping and getting on a straight spine.

Child pose reduces stress by removing tension from the shoulders and relaxing the spine. It is also a beneficial resting pose for the lymphatic and nervous system.

3. Bridge Pose: (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Lying on your back, bend your knees and spread your feet hip-width apart. Place your arms beside your body, palms facing down. Take power from your feet, breathe and lift your hips Press on your arms and shoulders to raise your chest even higher. Stay here for five breaths and make sure your vertebrae alternately touch the mat as you lower your hips to the floor.

Bridge Pose calms the brain and central nervous system. Provides relaxation and relaxation in the body. It helps to reduce the stress and anxiety levels.

4. Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

Knees and feet hip-width apart, come on your knees. Put your palms back on your heels, stretching from your back. Inhale and open your chest forward and up. Take care to keep your lever bones in line with your knees. If you feel comfortable here; leave your head alone and hang back. Stay in the pose for 30 seconds and slowly take your hands first to your waist and then straighten your torso.

Ustrasana allows you to connect with your breathing by expanding your chest. It reduces the feeling of fatigue and anxiety.

5. Plow Pose (Halasana)

Lie on your back with your arms at the sides of your body. Keeping your legs straight, lift them at a 90-degree angle from your hips. Then push your palms and slowly raise your waist, keeping the leg straight. With the support of your hands, bend your waist so that your toes touch the back of your head and stay here for 30 seconds. While exiting the stance, keep the legs straight, lower the vertebrae one by one and bring the legs down after the last hip touches the floor.

Halasana sends fresh oxygenated blood to your brain, allowing you to achieve clarity and calmness. It provides peace and confidence by stimulating your nervous system.

6. Corpse Pose (Shavasana)

Lie on your back in the position that you feel most comfortable with. Spread your legs mat-wide and place your arms at the side of your body about 45 degrees apart, palms facing up. Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths through your nose. Focus on relaxation on the floor, letting your whole body soften and become heavy. You can stay in the shavasana pose for 5 to 15 minutes. To get out of the pose; slowly deepen your breath, slowly bring movement to the whole body. When you are ready, take the force of your hands into a sitting position.

This pose gives a feeling of physical and emotional grounding and relaxes the whole body It helps to solve insomnia problem and is an excellent asana to stimulate blood circulation.

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