Truck Accident Case: How to Protect Your Rights and Maximize Your Compensation

truck accident

Accidents are among the leading causes of severe personal injuries, and in the United States alone, around 500.000 of them, yearly, are trucking accidents. Approximately 5.000 of these yearly trucking accidents result in death. Because of the significance of the issue, many laws and regulations have been enacted in an attempt to keep things under control. Getting into any kind of accident can be a devastating experience, especially when you are certain that someone else had caused it. Trucking accidents, in particular, can compromise your job and put a strain on your paycheck. Not to mention the possible physical injuries, prolonged recovery period, and financially draining medical bills. If you get into an accident and don’t take immediate actions to protect your rights, several aspects of your life will be severely affected. This is why we will tell you in this article how you can protect your rights and maximize your compensation if you get into a trucking accident.

Call the Police

Right after the accident occurs, the first thing that you should do is call the police. If you can, make sure that the other party doesn’t leave before the police arrive. You should also make sure to record their vehicle’s brand, model, color, and license plate number. As soon as you call the police, the sooner they will arrive and readily assess the situation. The police will not determine which party is liable for the incident on the spot. However, they will write a comprehensive report that includes all aspects of the accident, including the visible damages and road conditions. They will also likely draw up a diagram of the accident scene. It would be a good idea to ask for the report number and request for a copy as well since this will help your lawyer fight for your case later on. When you call the police, an emergency medical professional will also tag along so make sure that you get checked even if you don’t feel severe injuries, mainly because the adrenaline rush is probably masking the pain that you will feel later on. Keep in mind that with the incredible weight of the truck, the impact of a crash can cause severe injuries.

Collecting Evidence and Gathering Witnesses

You shouldn’t leave the crash scene before collecting evidence of your own. In Michigan, even if the police had written up a report, you should still take pictures of your vehicle’s exterior and interior conditions, as well as the vehicle of the other party. Road conditions are among the common causes of semi-truck accidents in Michigan , which is why you should also make sure to take pictures of the surrounding environment. Make sure to speak to witnesses that were present and can attest to your situation. Collect their contact information as well so that your legal team can contact them later. This, along with the pictures, can help you negotiate with the insurance company and maximize your compensation.

Avoid Social Media

We all use social media without giving it much thought. If you claim that you are suffering from a severe injury yet post an image in which you are hanging out with your friends, this can hurt your case drastically. Even if you were not lying about your injuries , the other party will underestimate the severity of your injuries. This doesn’t mean that you should stop enjoying your life altogether. However, pay attention to what you and your friends post online and be wary of your social media’s privacy settings. The chances are that the other party is waiting for you to drop something that they could use against you.

police car

Seek Medical Attention

Even if you got checked at the scene of the accident, you should still seek proper medical help. Make sure to tell your doctor everything without leaving any details out. Tell them about even the most minor symptoms, though, avoid exaggerating. Sometimes, grave medical conditions can be disguised as generic symptoms. You should keep a record of all the medical bills. Ensure that you keep a folder containing all scans, x-rays, prescriptions, screenings, reports, or tests that you have conducted and accumulated. You should also make sure that they are labeled correctly and are not missing any corresponding dates. You have probably paid a fortune at the doctor’s; having these things will help you receive adequate compensation.

Everyone knows how common trucking accidents are. Unfortunately, they can leave the involved parties with devastating losses. Accidents are all very time and financially consuming; the time that you spend in recovery, and all the money that you pay for treatment and repairs can break the bank. Fortunately, there are ways in which you can maximize your compensation.

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