Reason for 342.8 Million Lira Increase in Bursa City Hospital Metro Tender

The reason for the million-lira increase in the metro project of the bursa city hospital
Reason for 342.8 Million Lira Increase in Bursa City Hospital Metro Tender

It seems like it will not attract attention… With the tender on October 27 Bursaray 'i last stop Labor'th City Hospital 'The foundation of the subway line, which will extend what to do, was laid on April 2.
A few days after that ceremony we watched too Council of state canceled the tender.
Best bid in the canceled tender with 1 billion 607 million 824 thousand liras Willow-Taşyapı had given the partnership. At the tender on May 5th Söğüt-Taşyapı partnership with 1 billion 950 million 628 thousand 508 lira 85 kuruş best offer He gave.
The new bid increased by 342 million 804 thousand liras.
Obsessed with, CHP Provincial Chair İsmet Karaca 'to re-bid bring to judgment This increase, which he saw as trump for to friends working on the project we asked.
They said:
“There are many factors that lead to a price increase, but two of them are important. The price of currency and iron has increased a lot since October 27. This was reflected in the tender. "

Source: Ahmet Emin Yılmaz

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