The Heart of Village Schools Will Beat in Bursa Orhaneli

The heart of cove schools will beat in bursa orhanel
The heart of cove schools will beat in bursa orhanel

Village Schools Change Network Association, which has been working to support students, parents and teachers living in villages since its establishment, is establishing a center in Bursa Orhaneli for pilot studies to be implemented in rural areas.

The Village Schools Change Network (KODA), founded by idealistic teachers working in villages all over Turkey, teachers who believe in the power of equal education, and volunteers who believe in change, have been working to implement an innovative education approach in villages for four and a half years.

KODA, which started preparations to establish a center for pilot studies to be implemented in rural areas, visited many villages and districts of Turkey before the pandemic. Stating that they have decided to establish a center in Bursa Orhaneli, Mine Ekinci, the General Coordinator of KODA, stated that Orhaneli reflects all the characteristics of the countryside and said: “The high number of villages in the region and the continuation of agricultural activities in the villages were important for us when choosing. In addition, it is possible to reach all over Turkey due to its proximity to Sabiha Gökçen Airport. At the same time, we saw that Orhaneli District Governor Emir Osman Bulgurlu, Mayor Ali Aykurt, District Director of National Education Mehmet Tayır, the people of Orhaneli, Bursa Provincial Director of National Education Sabahattin Dülger and Bursa business people were very enthusiastic and supportive. All these observations showed us that Orhaneli is the best place for the center we have been dreaming of for years. We are evaluating how we will cooperate with Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Alinur Aktaş and his team ”.

The center will be established on five acres of land

For the center planned to be established, a 5-acre land in Orhaneli was purchased by KODA with the approval of the Orhaneli Municipal Council. While the architectural work of the center to be established on the land continues, it is aimed to make the building ecological, to provide its energy with sustainable resources and to be suitable for the natural architectural structure of Orhaneli. For these purposes, the KODA team is preparing a comprehensive architectural project.

Children, their families and teachers will benefit

After the center is established, Orhaneli will be the pilot area for many applications planned to take place in village schools and other rural areas. Trainings for the personal and professional development of village teachers from all over Turkey, activities to support the development of rural children, and trainings that will facilitate the communication of families living in villages with their children and support them will be provided. At the same time, trainings and meetings will be held on many topics such as rural development and local volunteering. The first implementation is the activities taking place in Orhaneli, and then it will spread all over Turkey.

It will add value to Orhaneli's value

Orhaneli's culture will become widespread thanks to rural school teachers and education volunteers coming to Orhaneli from all over Turkey. The center will develop education plans, course contents and educational tools that respond to rural needs. All these studies will be closely monitored at the center in Orhaneli, both by the public and the academia.

Bursa's support is very important

On March 30, 2021, the KODA team met with Bursa Mayor Alinur Aktaş and his team to discuss possible collaborations within the scope of the project. KODA and Bursa Metropolitan Municipality will continue their discussions on possible collaborations.

On the other hand, negotiations with Orhaneli Municipality have been ongoing since the beginning of the project. Orhaneli Municipality continues to support KODA for these activities that will spread from the villages of Orhaneli to villages all over Turkey. The contribution of both the people and the business people of Bursa is of great importance for this step towards the realization of an innovative understanding of education in rural areas.