To be honest… Bursaray 'ı Labor Station 'from the fast train ve City Hospital 'Cancellation of extension line tender to reach what big surprise for everyone It was.
The construction of the project, the foundation of which was laid on April 2, will take place on April 5. Council of state He stopped with his decision.
Renewal of such large auctions zaman takes, but Ministry of Transport General Directorate of Infrastructure Investments It completed the bureaucratic procedures in a very short time and made a new tender on May 5th.
The whole process Ankara'the new tender carried out by Willow-Taşyapı partnership 1 billion 950 million 628 thousand 508 lira 85 kuruş worth on offer won.
Since an increase of 342 million 804 thousand 508 liras has occurred after the renewal of the tender opposition his statements focused on this, but there were other developments between the two tenders.
Mayor of Metropolitan Municipality Alinur AktaşAs a result of the interviews conducted from the patient bed, significant changes in the project It was.
For example…
In the first tender, the subway line Passage'During the skin crossing, the main road cut and cover tunnel since you will dig for Mudanya Road traffic was given to the side roads and back streets.
This is Bu
Especially summer season throughout Mudanya Road 'its impassable, its back streets inextricable would. Alternative route was also determined.
President Aktaş Citizens stepped in at this point to prevent victimization and General Directorate of Infrastructure Investments'nude new tender editing in the project persuaded to do it.
According to this…
Mudanya Road 'nun Passage when the crossing is dug, 2 roads with 2 lanes in both directions, zero in the excavation area will be done and cross excavation model will be applied.
Despite losing 2 lane in both directions with 2 × 1 roads, Mudanya Road As it will not close during construction, Passage shopkeepers will not be victims either.
While the cancellation of the tender is turned into an opportunity with the project arrangement citizen victimization to a minimum will be downloaded.
Ahmet Yesevi Station will slide 500 meters
City Hospital Metro While preparing a new tender for Metropolitan Mayor Alinur Aktaş from the sick bed for arrangements to relax the project Ankara'convinced y.
In this context Bu
Regarding the road, besides regulation an important decision there is more:
Passage'did Ahmet Yesevi Mosque planned ahead Ahmet Yesevi Station Shifted 500 meters forward. This will remain open during construction. Mudanya Road 'It will comfort him.
There is an increase of 138 thousand square meters of piles and 20 thousand tons of iron in the metro project
City Hospital Metro ''The tender process of Ankara'da Ministry of Transport General Directorate of Infrastructure Investments It was carried out by. That's why Metropolitan Municipality 'has no direct obligation here.
But, project suggestions there.
Except this…
Some of the auctions that led to an increase of 27 million lira between October 5 and May 342.8 to project corrections related information is coming.
For example…
Winner of the tender Willow-Taşyapı partnership "17 percent deduction" In its second tender, there was an increase of 138 thousand square meters of piles and 20 thousand tons of iron.
In this process, the increase in iron prices in the world and foreign exchange movements Increased public works costs by 24 percent, Therefore, this price increase is normal expressed.
"If the first tender had continued, the cost would have been reflected according to these increases " is trying.