If Your Child Has Difficulty Climbing Stairs, Acute Appendicitis Beware!

If your child has difficulty climbing stairs, be careful with acute appendicitis.
If your child has difficulty climbing stairs, be careful with acute appendicitis.

Children are not very good at expressing themselves. They may try to hide some of their ailments, especially with the fear of going to the doctor. At this point, it is important for parents to observe the movements of their children correctly. Otherwise, it may be late for dangerous problems. One of these problems is acute appendicitis… Avrasya Hospital Pediatric Surgery Specialist Assoc. Dr. Hüseyin Kılınçarslan warns families about the disease.

Why does acute appendicitis occur?

Appendicitis is an intra-abdominal pathology that is common in all seasons and requires surgical treatment. Appendicitis is the inflammation of a structure with a blunt end called the appendix vermiformis located in the beginning of the large intestine. Appendix vermiformis has a kind of tonsil-like structure in terms of its function filled with lymphoid tissue. Appendicitis is caused by a blockage of the appendix. When the lumen is blocked, mucus accumulates in the appendix and internal pressure increases. Due to this increase, lymphatic and venous circulation is impaired. Also, bacteria accumulate in the lumen. As a result of these events, the appendix wall becomes ulcer. As this situation progresses, perforation occurs.

If your child shows these symptoms

  • Anorexia,
  • Abdominal pain, (Appendicitis pain is mostly a severe pain. Abdominal pain is initially around the navel and then localizes to the right lower quadrant.)
  • Vomiting,
  • High fever.

Do you feel something wrong with your child's movements?

In the initial stage of the disease, the child is close to normal. However, as the disease progresses, we come across a child who is upset. Children walk limp, leaning forward. They have a hard time climbing the stairs. Young children, on the other hand, prefer to lie still by bending their right legs towards their abdomen and try to resist the examination. There are tenderness, defense and complete contractions in the right lower quadrant.

The child feels an increase in abdominal pain when both heels hit the ground at the same time. In perforated appendicitis, these findings occur in every quadrant of the abdomen. Depending on the location of the appendix, sometimes there may be difficulty in urinating and pooping.

Parents have a great responsibility for early diagnosis

Childhood appendicitis differs from adults, especially at the stage of diagnosis. Because the intraabdominal structures are very close to each other, high mortality is observed in cases of late diagnosis or inability to diagnose. Therefore, parents and physicians have a great job. Parents should have their child examined by a pediatrician / surgeon before giving pain relief to their child with abdominal pain. It should not be forgotten that appendicitis, which is perceived as simple among the people, can cause problems in children up to death.

Is surgery the only treatment method?

The only treatment for appendicitis is surgery. However, sometimes in cases that are in the initial stage and the lumen is not completely obstructed, children are hospitalized and antibiotic treatment and oral intake are stopped and the intestines rested, which also helps the disease to regress. At this point, the child can recover without an operation.

Appendicitis surgery is performed openly and laparoscopically. 1-2 days of hospitalization may be required in acute appendicitis and 5-7 days in perforated appendicitis. Antibiotic intake should be started before the surgery, it should be continued for 1-3 days in acute appendicitis and 7 days in perforated appendicitis. Histopathological examination of the removed appendix must be performed. Although rare, the cause of appendicitis may be tumor or parasitosis. There are some points that parents should be careful about after the surgery. Otherwise;

  • Wound infection
  • Intraabdominal abscesses
  • Intestinal adhesions can be seen.

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