Mısra Öz, who lost her son in Çorlu train accident, appeared before the judge as 'accused'

Misra oz, who lost her son in the corlu train accident, appeared before the judge as the accused
Misra oz, who lost her son in the corlu train accident, appeared before the judge as the accused

Mısra Öz, who lost her son Oğuz Arda in the Çorlu train massacre, appeared before the judge for 'insulting public officials' for her social media posts.

Two lawsuits were filed against Mısra Öz Sel, who lost her husband and son in the train accident in which 8 people, 2018 of them children, died in the Çorlu district of Tekirdağ on 7 July 25. The second hearing of the case opened against Mısra Öz, who lost his 9-year-old son Oğuz Arda Sel and his wife Hakan Sel, on the grounds that he called "a delegation who preferred to play three monkeys" on charges of "insulting a public official" Oz said, “They want to be quiet. Let's not talk. It happened because of the rain, they want to say fate. When they don't, they want to silence those who make the most noise ”.

'This is a policy of intimidation'

Speaking to OdaTV before the hearing, Öz said, “The real responsible are those who decide to open that line, open it, do not invest, and do not knowingly care about the shortcomings. In short, everyone who is in charge, starting with the minister of transport and including TCDD bureaucrats, is responsible ”.

Regarding the filing of a lawsuit, Öz said, “This is a policy of intimidation. We shouted that the experts were biased people, we shared everything that did not work in the case with the public, and we exposed the injustice one by one. They want to be quiet. Let's not talk. It happened because of the rain, they want to say fate. When they don't, they want to silence the one who makes the most noise ”.

Reminding that two lawsuits were filed against him, Mısra Öz continued as follows:

“One is the lawsuit filed for 'insulting the court committee'. In this case, they play three monkeys for the court committee. It was opened because I said the clowns of the palace. I still agree. I stand behind my words. This incident, which is obviously a massacre, has not been resolved for three years. They are still trying to prosecute with four lower-level defendants. The other case is me and family members Hüseyin Şahin, İsmail Kartal. Our lawyers are Selvi Yüzbaşıoğlu Saltan, Mürsel Ünder and Gökmen Yeşil. We are accused of resisting the police and battering. "

Regarding the filing of a lawsuit against the journalists and lawyers following the Çorlu train case, Öz said, “I condemn. I feel ashamed for justice ”.

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