Women's Labor Is Twice Valuable

women's labor is twice as valuable
women's labor is twice as valuable

While Öz Transport İş Union continues its efforts to increase the individual interests and welfare of each member within the framework of the principles of Collective Bargaining, in which the rights and interests of its members to whom it is the most sensitive due to its union identity are protected, "Language, race, gender, political thought, philosophical belief, religion, sect It seriously emphasizes the principle that "no discrimination can be made based on similar reasons"; However, she carefully monitors her sensitivity regarding not performing different procedures directly or indirectly due to gender or pregnancy.

They can fully benefit from the provisions of the Labor Law No.4857, which have been protected and put into effect with the agreements made with the International Labor Organization (ILO), as well as their rights such as maternity work and breastfeeding leave, and the right to unpaid leave after birth, as well as being considered on leave on March 8, International Working Women's Day. It has also endeavored to show the value it gives to its female members by compromising with its employers on issues such as daycare facilities, and it continues to do so.

The contribution of our women, who play the most important roles in every period of our lives, to business life is undeniably necessary and important. Again, just like the sacrifices they undertake in every aspect of our lives, their efforts are valuable to us twice, with their contribution and support to business life. We endeavor to show that we are extremely sensitive to all kinds of discrimination and all kinds of harassment and their objective point of view, and that we accept our support as an honor, taking into account our culture as well as our constitutional rights and freedoms.

In the fight against violence against women, as an NGO, we mobilize our resources to support our female members in this regard, as well as our sensitivity.

We also support the "Training of Competency-Oriented Women's Unionized Team Captains" carried out by the Hak-İş Confederation Women's Committee to which we are affiliated.

The increase of our female friends and their success year by year, both in our Headquarters organization, in terms of encouraging and supporting the presence of women in working life; We are on the field with our actions, not words, by determining the majority of our representatives from our female members in each workplace where our members are located.

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