Which Names were Most Preferred in 2020?

Which Names were Most Preferred in 2020?
Which Names were Most Preferred in 2020?

Ministry of Interior General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs Turkey's 2020 Name map was prepared. On the map, data on the name maps of 2020 boys and 559.753 girls born in 531.390 were shared.

It was stated that the tendency of parents to give traditional names to male babies is higher than female babies.

It was emphasized that the tendency to give modern and popular names to baby girls is more common.

Which Names Were Most Preferred Last Year?

Among the 2020 million 1 thousand 91 babies born in 143, Yusuf was 7.540, Miraç was 6.236, Eymen was 6.222; Among the baby girls, 11.179 were named Zeynep, 7.316 were named Elif, and 6.335 were named.

Ömer Asaf, Kerem, Alparslan, Mustafa, Hamza, Ali Asaf for boys and Asel, Azra, Eylül, Nehir, Eslem, Asya for girls were among the most preferred names.

Name Preferences Changed by Regions

The highest population density in Turkey in the Marmara region in the men's 305.096 XNUMX babies born Omar Asaf, Ayman, Alparslan; For girls, the names Zeynep, Defne and Asel were preferred.

In the Black Sea Region where the fewest babies are born, Alparslan, Ömer Asaf, Eymen for males among 78.257 babies; Zeynep, Defne and Asel took the first place in baby girls.

Among 157.307 babies in the Central Anatolia Region, Yusuf, Ömer Asaf, Eymen were the most men; In baby girls, the names Zeynep, Elif and Defne were given.

While 193.401 babies were born in the Southeastern Anatolia Region, the common names Yusuf, Miraç, Elif and Zeynep, which are preferred in other regions, were among the most used names for male babies and Ecrin for girls.

Among the 112.030 babies born in the Aegean Region, Eymen, Miraç, Kerem in males; For girls, the names Zeynep, Defne and Elif took the first place as in the Central Anatolia Region.

Among 143.877 babies in the Mediterranean Region, Yusuf, Eymen, Mustafa in males; The names Zeynep, Asel, and Elif were preferred for female babies, while it was determined that the names Miran and Azra were widely used in addition to the names Yusuf, Miraç, Zeynep and Elif among 100.679 babies in the Eastern Anatolia Region.

Choices of the Three Major Cities

Of the male babies born in the capital Ankara, 377 were named Ömer Asaf, 373 were named Eymen, 346 were named Göktuğ, while 683 female babies were named Zeynep, 504 were named Defne and 413 were named Asel.

1.203 of the male babies born in Istanbul were Ömer Asaf, 1.043 was Eymen, 1.022 was Yusuf; It was preferred to give the names of 1.870 girls to Zeynep, 1.352 to Defne and 1.092 to Elif.

In İzmir, the name Zeynep was at the top of the list with 423 for baby girls, as in Ankara and Istanbul. Zeynep was followed by the names of Defne with 400 and Elif with 313. In male babies, Eymen with 293, Ayaz with 234 and Miraç with 232 took the first place.

Names Given to a Single Infant

In 2020, names for only one baby were included.

Accordingly, the names Zeynep Göknil, Seyyah Devrim, Açela Nur, Yüsra Çiğdem, Abbas Efe and Alpargu were chosen for a baby.

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