YHT Set Maintainer Profession Defined

Defining yht set maintainer profession
Defining yht set maintainer profession

The "High-Speed ​​MAPDaR (YHT Set Maintainer Profession is Defined and Recognized) Project" initiated under the coordination of the General Directorate of TCDD Tasimacilik AS was awarded a grant of 193 thousand 661 Euros from the EU.

With the "High-Speed ​​MAPDaR (YHT Set Maintainer Profession Defined and Recognized) Project" carried out under the coordination of the General Directorate of TCDD Taşımacılık AŞ, the knowledge, skills and competencies of the technical staff who will work in the maintenance and repair processes of high-speed train (YHT) sets will be optimized.

The project, prepared under the coordination of TCDD Taşımacılık AŞ, was presented to the National Agency within the scope of Erasmus + Vocational Education Strategic Partnerships activity during the 2020 call for proposals. The project was among 239 projects selected from 30 proposals, and was awarded a grant of 193 Euros from the European Union.

TCDD Transport Inc. by the partners of the project will be carried out from Germany TREX Froehlich und Wachsmann GB, England from UK-Certified Knowledge Association from France certifier SA and Çınarlı with the Association of Railway Engineers from Turkey will Vocational and Technical High School.

"The Need for Human Resources to Operate YHT Sets Will Increase"

Hasan Pezük, General Manager of TCDD Transportation General Directorate, where the online meeting was held, started his speech by thanking all stakeholders.

General Manager Pezük, priority railway investment since 2003 as a result of Turkey is one of the world's leading operators in the country YHT said.

Stating that the railway length, which is 12 kilometers, will reach 803 kilometers in 2023 with the ongoing high-speed and high-speed railway projects under the leadership of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Pezük said that while the service provided to 16 percent of the population with the 675-kilometer YHT line is spread throughout the country, He also stated that the need for human resources to operate these sets will increase.

Pezük pointed out that vocational high schools, vocational schools and faculties under the roof of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education Council undertake a very important function in the training of human resources at international standards required by the railway sector, and that engineers, technicians and workers graduated from these educational institutions have signed many successful projects in the railway sector. expressed that they threw.

"Technical Staff Will Be Trained Like Their Equivalents In Europe"

Pezük, Turkey's railway network, in which the integration of the European Union interoperability of national rail system (TSI) rules and principles said, pointing targeted to be executed in accordance with: "This started in goal High Speed ​​mapd is the YHT set with the project and maintenance tasks in the repair process It will be ensured that the knowledge, skills and competencies of the technical staff will be optimized, and trained and certified on the basis of quality assurance, just like their European equivalents. At the same time, the YHT set maintenance profession responsible for the quality and safety of YHT management will be brought to both national and international occupational standards.

"The Project is Expected to be Completed in 36 Months"

Explaining that the project will have a direct impact on the increase of service quality, the formation of safe maintenance processes and safe YHT management, Pezük said that the project will achieve lifelong learning and mobility, which is one of the EU 2020 targets, increase the quality and efficiency of education and training, promote creativity, innovation, social inclusion and employment. He noted that it also covers the issues of increasing the availability.

Pezük stated that the project, which was initiated today and is expected to be completed in 36 months, will provide very important gains for the sector in the future, and will make a significant contribution to the training of human resources with international standards that the railway sector is getting stronger and developing day by day. After his speech, General Manager Hasan Pezük signed the “memorandum document”, which is the memory of the project, and wished that the project would be beneficial for the sector and the country.

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