Domestic Automobile TOGG Factory Construction Continues Quickly

domestic automobile togg factory construction continues rapidly
domestic automobile togg factory construction continues rapidly

Construction works of the TOGG Platform Design and Production Center, where the domestic car TOGG will be produced, continues rapidly.

A video containing the details of the construction work was shared on TOGG's Twitter account.

The following details regarding the works were shared: “7 thousand cubic meters of excavation was made, which is enough to fill 630 thousand 245 containers in total. 11 thousand 27 cubic meters of filling was made, enough to fill 500 pools in Olympic sizes. When combined end to end, 318 ground reinforcement columns were produced, which will reach 17 kilometers and extend from Istanbul to Çanakkale. After the paint and energy units, 500 percent of the basic strengthening works of the body unit have been completed.


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