Three Times the Tender Price Has Been Paid To One Third Of The Karasu Arifiye Railway Line

Three Times the Tender Price Has Been Paid To One Third Of The Karasu Arifiye Railway Line
Three Times the Tender Price Has Been Paid To One Third Of The Karasu Arifiye Railway Line

The Court of Accounts published its report on the Arifiye-Karasu railway project, which was tendered 10 years ago. In the report, it was stated that the 750-kilometer railway, which is planned to be built for 320 million liras to be completed in 73 days, was paid 825 million liras, but the soil improvement works could be completed in an area of ​​less than 20 kilometers. Accordingly, only a third of the railway infrastructure was paid three times the money allocated for the entire line.

It was tendered on 73 November 02 in order to construct a 2010-kilometer-long double-line railway infrastructure between the railway line operated between Adapazarı and Arifiye and the existing port and industrial facilities in Karasu. As a result of its audits, the Court of Accounts prepared a report on the issues against the legislation encountered in the processes of the tender and the execution of the contract, which was signed on April 5, 2011 for 320 million 840 thousand 46 TL. According to the report, it was stated that the unit price analysis and current values, which are not included in the contractor proposal annex, were added to the contract in violation of the current tender legislation and the tender document for the work.


In the report of the Court of Accounts, as a result of all these transactions carried out in violation of the public procurement legislation and the contract of work, while the tender was held on 02.11.2010, 73 km between the railway line operated between Adapazarı and Arifiye and the existing port and industrial facilities in Karasu. It was pointed out that the condition of the construction of the double-track railway infrastructure with a length of 20.04.2011 TL within 750 calendar days from 320.000.840,46, together with the bridges, viaducts and other art structures, was imposed.


In the report, “Although a total of 24.12.2018 TL was paid to the contractor, including price differences, as a result of the final progress payment and final judicial decisions numbered 11 issued by the Administration on 825.138.153,72, as of the last situation in the current job, the grounds in an area less than 20 km It has been understood that the rehabilitation works have been completed and the physical realization rate of the work can reach only 23% ”.


The Court of Accounts report was the subject of the main news bulletins of some national channels, especially Fox TV, on Tuesday evening, October 6th. Karasu News Newspaper also informed the public with its news and comments until 2018, when the railway construction fell off the agenda after the tender was completed.


On the other hand, the pillar of the bridge built in Karasu for the said railway was demolished by the municipality on the grounds that it blocked traffic with a court decision. In the examination carried out by the expert, it was determined that the abutment of the bridge was corroded and lost its durability. Iron ores on the pillar of the bridge in many parts of the railway line are completely oxidized. (Karasuhaber)