General Directorate of Forestry 102 Contracted Personnel Recruitment To Be Done

General Directorate of Forestry 102 Contracted Personnel Recruitment To Be Done
General Directorate of Forestry 102 Contracted Personnel Recruitment To Be Done

Regarding the Employment of Contracted Personnel published in the Official Gazette dated 657 and numbered 4 attached to the Decree dated 06.06.1978 and numbered 7/15754, in order to be employed in the provincial units of the General Directorate of Forestry in accordance with the paragraph (B) of Article 28.06.2007 of the Civil Servants Law No. 26566. In accordance with the clause (b) of Annex 2 of the Principles on Amendments to the Principles, "Without conducting a written and / or oral examination, on the basis of the KPSS (B) group score ranking" Appendix-1 A total of 2 contracted personnel will be recruited from the graduations specified in.


Candidates will apply between 14.10.2020-21.10.2020 using their e-Government passwords from the system at Application procedures will end at 21.10.2020:23 on 59. This period will not be extended in any way. Applications made in person, by mail, by petition or by any other means will not be accepted.

Candidates are required to obtain an e-Government password before the application process.

Each candidate can only apply from one training program for the positions specified in ANNEX-2 in the announcement.

Candidates will be able to make a maximum of 2 preferences for positions with less than 10 provinces in Annex-10, and positions with more than 10 provinces.