Ankarakart Operation Centers Opened for Coronavirus Reasons

main card boarding centers closed due to coronavirus opened
main card boarding centers closed due to coronavirus opened

After the coronavirus (Covid-19) test of a staff member of the EGO General Directorate Ankarakart Operation Center was positive, 5 Ankarakart Operation Centers were temporarily shut down on July 16, 2020. In addition, a total of 16 personnel working at the Ankarakart Transaction Center booths operating in EGO's main service building branch, Kızılay, Akköprü, Dikimevi and Beşevler, which were temporarily closed, were tested for coronavirus.

In order to prevent our citizens from being victimized, the Ankarakart Transaction Centers located in the main service building of the Red Crescent and EGO Headquarters started to provide service with a limited number of staff between 08.00-17.00 on weekdays. In addition, Beşevler Ankarakart Operation Center will serve between 25 and 2020 on Saturday, 11.00 July 16.00 (Today) to reduce the current density.

Disinfection procedures are carried out regularly at service points. We kindly request that our citizens should wear masks, maintain social distance, and pay attention to hygiene rules when dealing.