Who is in the Green Tomb? By Whom?

who is inside green turbe who made it by whom
Photo: wikipedia

The Green Tomb was built in 1421 by Sultan Mehmet Çelebi, the son of Yıldırım Bayezid. The architect of the tomb, which is part of the Green Complex, is Hacı İvaz Pasha. The building, which has become the symbol of Bursa, has a location that can be seen from all over the city. Mehmet Çelebi I built the tomb in his health and died 40 days later. There are 9 sarcophagi in the mausoleum belonging to Çelebi Sultan Mehmet and their sons Şehzade Mustafa, Mahmut and Yusuf, and their daughter Selçuk Hatun, Sitti Hatun, Hafsa Hatun, Ayşe Hatun and her nanny Daya Hatun.


The tomb, which looks like a single storey when viewed from the outside, has two floors, with the hall where the sarcophagi and the cradle-toned grave chamber are located beneath it. The outer walls are covered with turquoise tiles. The interior of the tomb, the sarcophagi, the altar, the walls, the sentence door and the facade coverings are also made of tiles. The altar facing the Qibla is a work of art. The tiles here are masterpiece examples of Iznik tile making.

Evliya Çelebi's travel writings also contain information about the tomb. However, the bet related to the tomb; Çelebi, which has a medfun, is handled over the life of Sultan Mehmet Han, and no special information about architecture is given. However, it is learned from the text that the building was called green imaret at that time.

He died in 824. He served as sultan for seven years, eleven months and twelve days. He was 38 years old when he passed away. His tomb is under the embroidered dome on the Qibla side of the Nurlu mosque in the complex known as Yeşil İmaret. ' (Basri Öcalan, 2008)

Repairs undergone

The tomb was repaired by Hassa Architect Elhac Mustafa Bin Abidin, 253 years after the death of Çelebi Sultan Mehmet (1647). After that, repairs were carried out in the tomb by Asım Kömürcüoğlu in 1769, with the contributions of Architect Es-Seyyit Elhac Şerif Efendi, Leon Parville between 1864-1867 and Osman Hamdi Bey in 1904.

Architect Macit Rustu Kural, who has a very important share in the tomb's reaching today, has been the last restorator of the tomb. During these studies, he was also supported by Y. Architect Zühtü Başar (Yücel, 2004).

The architecture of the tomb

It has an octagonal prism body with the narrowest face of 7,64 m and the widest face of 10,98 m. When the tomb is considered as universal facades (opening of all facades), it consists of three mass architectural elements as dome, pulley and body walls. These items are separated in a way that the viewer can easily perceive. Another remarkable element on the facade of the tomb is the marble frame. This frame surrounds the corners where the facades meet, the water basement and the pointed arches, and the fringe. The windows are surrounded by marble frames. The sash belt, just above the window, is highlighted with borders with rumi motifs. Verses and hadiths are written in the tympanum section between the arch and the window lintel. The 88888 square octagonal prism continues down the floor in the body and forms the burial chamber.


It is the only mausoleum in Ottoman architecture where all its walls are covered with tiles. The walls between the walls of the tomb, which has eight fronts, and the marble frame and arches formed at the corners are covered with turquoise tiles. In the repairs it has undergone to date, these tiles have been heavily destroyed and replaced with new tiles. The original tiles, the number of which has decreased a lot, are gathered together on the left side of the door. The tile coverings with the façade of the tomb are generally different from the known tile coverings. Rather it is of the colored glazed brick type. The outer face is 21-22 x 10–11 cm. The back side is 10 x 5 cm. It contracts from outside to inside and there is a 1.5 cm diameter vertical hole in the middle of its side. This is the mounting cross-section of the tiles. The faces of the original bricks were first glazed and then baked. However, during the restoration, the new glazed bricks in accordance with the original production style could not be made, and the duplicate of the original glazed brick was covered with tile tiles made in the Kütahya Tile Factory with the idea that it would not be correct in terms of restoration principles.


The building has a central plan typology determined by the single dome used as a space covering element. The Turkish triangle, which is the structural (system that sustains the structure) and decoration solution brought to the problem of transition from the dome to the main structure by the Anatolian - Turkish architecture, was also applied in this structure.

The walls are covered with hexagonal turquoise tiles surrounded by two borders up to 2.94 m high. Among them are large medallions. The mausoleum has the most magnificent tiled altar that has survived to the present day.

In the middle of the interior, which has an octagonal plan, the sarcophagus of Çelebi Sultan Mehmed is located. It has an inscription written on it with a relief letter. In the north, there are sarcophagi belonging to their son Mustafa and Mahmud. In the north, it belongs to his son Yusuf. From the back north, there is the relief inscription chest of Selcuk Hatun, daughter of Çelebi Mehmed, the chest of her daughter Sitti Hatun (Safiye), covered with hexagonal and triangular tiles on a white background, and the chests of Ayşe Hatun and her nanny Daya Hatun.



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