When is the 2020 Eid al-Adha Holiday starting? How Many Days of Vacation?

When does the sacrifice holiday start?
When does the sacrifice holiday start?

The Eid al-Adha holiday continues to be explored by those who plan their holidays in 2020. The religious days calendar prepared by the Presidency of Religious Affairs showed the days when the feast coincided. The holiday period is not expected to be 9 days this year due to the days that the holiday coincides.

When is the Eid al-Adha Eve?

The eve of the Feast of Sacrifice 2020 coincides with the Thursday of 30 July 2020 this year. On this day, public institutions and banks will work until noon. In the afternoon, the official holiday application will start.

What is the Sacrifice Feast Month?

The holiday, which will last for 4 days in total, will start on Friday, July 31, 2020. It will continue on Saturday, July 1, 2020, Sunday, July 2, 2020, and Monday, July 3, 2020. 9-day holidays are not expected, as the holiday begins on Friday and ends on Monday.

How Much Are Sacrificial Prices?

Ahmet Yücesan, Chairman of the Board of the Association of the Association of Red Meat Industrialists and Producers (ETBİR), said that the sacrifice prices in Istanbul start at 28 lira in bovine and 30 lira in ovine.