AK Party Bilecik Deputy Selim Yağcı made a series of meetings in Osmaneli. AK Party Osmaneli District President Şaban Güdem and MP Selim Yağcı, who met with the board of directors; He met with Hisarcık Beşevler, Düzmeşe, Oğulpaşa, Gaziler, Belenalan muhtars and listened to their demands.
Deputy Selim Yağcı, who came to Osmaneli Municipality by visiting shopkeepers, met with Mayor Münür Şahin and Municipal Managers. Stating that the deputy Selim Yağcı gave great importance to Osmaneli and stated that within the very short time, the foundation of two investments that 2.000 people will work in the Organized Industrial Zone will be laid. Osmaneli-Yenişehir-Bursa-Gemlik will become Osmaneli Logistics center with the construction of the YHT and YHT Transportation line. Selim Yağcı, the mayor of the Osmaneli Municipality, saying that it is a very valuable district that will meet the goals set in Agriculture, Tourism and Industry, said that the Mayor of the Municipality, the District President, the members of the Provincial Assembly are always with him.
Deputy Yağcı, who visited the District Governor Naif Yavuz after the municipality, left the district after this meeting. Mayor Münür Şahin thanked the deputy Selim Yağcı for his visits and support to the district.