Is LGS Exam Deferred? When will the LGS Exam be held?

lgs exam is postponed? When will the lgs exam be done?
lgs exam is postponed? When will the lgs exam be done?

While the number of corona virus cases has dropped below thousands in the past week, the number of cases has increased to 500 in the last few days. While this was a concern, it was a question of whether the LGS exam will be canceled or not. Is the LGS Exam Postponed Before the Upcoming LGS? When will the LGS Exam be held? ' Searching for answers to questions.

Is LGS Exam Deferred?

Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk answered questions about the education agenda in her live broadcast, which she attended remotely. Selçuk, who shared the measures taken due to the epidemic in the central examination to be held within the scope of the Transition to High Schools on June 20, said, “There were 3 thousand 873 schools in LGS that we tested last year. The number of schools tested this year was 18 thousand 139. It increased more than five times. Thus, social distance rules can be easily followed. ” he spoke.

National Education Minister Ziya Selcuk, maintaining distance education at the planned 2020-2021 academic year in September to begin or answer the question as to whether said of the postponement of the date of Selcuk, day in and world situations Turkey day, drew attention to vary from week to week.

For this reason, Selçuk reminded that they constantly update their decisions in line with the recommendations of the Scientific Board and the data announced by the Ministry of Health, and reminded that compensatory training will start on August 31 and last at least 3 weeks.

Expressing that it is planned to open schools immediately after compensatory education, Selçuk stated that due to the Kovid-19 process, it is not right to give a clear date and the process may change according to the announced data.

Make-Up Training

Selcuk said that it is not easy to answer today on the question “If there is an increase in the number of cases or if the epidemic continues, the education year will not be opened in September or distance education will be permanent”.

“Is compensatory education an obligatory application?” Answering the question, Selçuk underlined that August 15, which is determined for compensatory education for private schools, is not a mandatory start date.

Emphasizing that this has been determined as the date when compensatory education for private schools can start at the earliest, Selçuk said, “If it wishes, a private education institution can start it on August 31 or start it earlier. The important thing is to offer some options in this regard. ” said.

Minister Selçuk explained that they will share more detailed information about the technical details of compensatory education in the coming period, and emphasized that parents should not have to worry about this issue.

"Should the students not participate in make-up education if parents do not want?" Selçuk said on the question: “In such a situation, we do not create an environment by forcing our parents or by suggesting some conditions. What is expected from us is to complete some deficiencies that children need and to provide some environments for our parents who want to take additional measures. For example, we also prepare supportive training courses. Outside of school hours, if our children want extra compensation or support, we will also have support and upbringing courses, which are not compulsory. Compensatory education is an education other than normal education. In other words, there may be some rules besides the rules of normal education. It can be more flexible. ”

What kind of a message would you like to send from the parents who study the children at a private school to those who find it early in August for face-to-face education or worry about the opening date of the schools? ” Answering the question, Selçuk said, “Our parents, of course, monitor and observe the situation of their children. When this kind of thing happens, there is no question that private schools will all start on a certain date. If there is a guardian who does not want, does not consider it necessary, they may of course consider other options related to this. In other words, there is no such thing as a date for private schools. In other words, in the process, we will have the opportunity to make some explanations where our parents can feel comfortable and make different decisions about their holidays. ” spoke in the form.

Quotas Increased in LGS Compared to Last Year

Reminding the concerns that the questions may be more difficult due to the decrease in the topics covered by LGS, Selçuk said, "There is no question in the exam that it is easy or difficult." used the expression.

Ziya Selçuk pointed out that the quota of the schools entered by the exam has been increased compared to last year and continued his words: “Even if the questions are easy or difficult, there are always a certain number of places. In other words, there is no problem since the student will be enrolled in those schools, whether it is a difficult question or an easy question. The difficulty or ease of the questions are technical issue for us and we do the difficulty, difficulty level of the questions by using some statistical formulas. For this reason, there is not even an option to ask too hard this year, or ask very easily next year. There are only questions that have been prepared taking into account a certain degree of difficulty. Therefore, if the questions are very difficult, the quota of the schools that accept students by exam will not be empty. ”

Underlining that they were sensitive to take the necessary precautions as the Ministry of National Education, Selçuk said, “Last year, LGS had 3 873 exams. The number of schools tested this year was 18 thousand 139. It increased more than five times. ” he spoke.

Selçuk pointed out that children can easily comply with the social distance rules and said, “There were around 59 thousand exam halls last year. There are 111 thousand 918 salons this year. Most importantly, our children take the exam in their own schools. In other words, there is no such thing as looking for an address, being late or going somewhere it does not know. ” made the evaluation.

Stating that the number of 148 thousand officials in schools was increased to 353 thousand this year, Selçuk said, “Last year no guidance teachers, psychological counselors took part in the school due to the exam. This year, your teaching of 18 thousand guides took part in schools. Because we also need guidance teachers to guide our children and make some explanations for them. ” said.

Selçuk emphasized the importance of parents taking into consideration the warnings of the officials in the central examination.

“Cleaning of Schools Will Be Done One Day Before The Exam”

Minister Selçuk said to the children diagnosed with Kovid-20 in the central examination on June 19, “If we have children from Kovid-19, we have created separate schools and separate spaces for these children. If he wishes, he / she can take the exam in a separate school, inform our parents in advance, say 'there is discomfort in my child', we have designed a special place for him, and if he wishes, the exam can be held in the hospital. We have taken all kinds of precautions regarding this. ” made the explanation.

Upon asking whether the application of children diagnosed with Kovid-19 for the central exam under LGS is available, Selçuk gave the following information: “There is a change about this number, there is no clear number at the moment, but we have created and prepared our schools in terms of readiness. All of our schools were cleaned and will be done again the day before. In this sense, we have also taken other precautions for our children to take the exam more easily in a separate school or venue. Our teachers will also make explanations about their failure to remove the mask if possible during the exam. Because their situation is even more sensitive. ”

Regarding the plans made by parents regarding the students with Kovid-19 diagnosis, Selçuk said: “The transportation of our children to the school will be made with special follow-up. So there is no worry, because we could have these kids with masks in normal classes, but we can't take such a risk. With the advice of the Scientific Committee, they are expected to take the exam in separate venues, if there is an application. When there is no application, our schools are ready and used if necessary. ”

Upon a question regarding the coronavirus measures in the 45-minute period between the exam and the exam, Selcuk reported that they did not want any children to bring masks or disinfectants with them.

Explaining that disinfectants will be used before the exam, Selçuk continued his speech as follows: “Our children will use the new mask that we have taken out and took the mask they have taken to the exam. Also, there may be a need to change the mask when they return to the hall as the children will use the mask outside during the exam. We also provided the environment to give our children a new mask. It's the same for our supervisor friends. ”

Minister Ziya Selçuk reminded that children who have difficulties wearing masks after the exam started can also remove their mask, adding that the social distance between children will be paid attention.