Hygiene Training Provided to Marine Transportation Personnel in Kocaeli

hygiene training was given to maritime transport personnel in Kocaeli
hygiene training was given to maritime transport personnel in Kocaeli

Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality provided hygiene training to the sea transportation personnel, whose voyages started to work in full scope within the scope of the coronavirus epidemic measures affecting the whole world.


Turkey due to the effects of a coronavirus outbreak of a portion from 21 March discontinued maritime transport resumed as of today, to full time. The maritime transport staff, whose passenger density is expected to begin, was trained by the Health and Social Services Department on mask use, cleaning of contact areas and hygiene.


The staff working on the ferry and pier affiliated to the Marine Transportation Directorate were given information on how to wear a mask, how to remove it and when to use it, the rules to be followed when using gloves, how to remove the gloves. In addition, detailed training was given on how to disinfect with bleach. Authorities said that the citizens should pay more attention to maritime transport, as Covid-19 provides the opportunity to travel outdoors in public transport to minimize the risk of epidemics.


The training nurses, who explained how the work environments should be hygienic, applied to the cleaning staff, stated that the closed areas should be frequently ventilated, the door and window handles that the citizen contacts, the indoor floor, stairs and handrails and the tables should be cleaned with diluted bleach. Authorities said the toilets should also be cleaned with diluted bleach at least twice a day.