Turkish scientists are investigating the side of a molecule called GRFT (griffithsin) that stops or reduces the infection effect of Kovid-19. Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank, TUBITAK-19 in Turkey Platform Covidien viewed within the site of the research conducted at Ankara University. Visiting the University's Biotechnology Institute, Minister Varank announced that animal experiments related to GRFT have begun. Varank underlined that this molecule has been scientifically evaluated to be effective against Covid-19, "We can give good news." said.
Varank Ministers, Turkey's first interdisciplinary biotechnology graduate education institute, and Ankara University who studies health and agricultural biotechnology, visited the Biotechnology Institute. During his visit to Varank, Rector of Ankara University. Dr. Erkan İbiş, President of TÜBİTAK Dr. Prof. Hasan Mandal and TÜBİTAK MAM Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Institute (GMBE) Director Prof. Dr. Şaban Tekin accompanied.
During the visit Dr. Varank, who received information about the drug development project against Kovid-19, which was directed by Aykut Özkul, later made examinations in the laboratories here.
Will it stop the virus?
TUBITAK roof under the Covidien-19 scope of work, one of Turkey Platform coordination in the execution of 17 vaccine-drug development projects, GRFT molecule, called Kovid-19 virus that causes infection investigated the stopper or reducing direction of impact.
As a result of the studies carried out by a consortium of scientists from Ankara University, Bilkent University National Nanotechnology Research Center (UNAM) and Hacettepe University, virus isolation, genome analysis and characterization have been carried out, GRFT molecule has been produced and purified. It was seen that in the cell culture medium of GRFT, the virus stopped entering and thereby reproducing the virus.
The project, which started the animal experiments phase as of today, will also have preliminary information about whether it is working in animals within the next month within the plan.
Views assessing Varank, Kovid-19 against to coordinate basic scientific research in Turkey industry and they create a platform under TÜBİTAK roof under the leadership of the Ministry of Technology, recalled, said here supported the execution of 17 vaccine-drug development projects.
Varank, under the leadership of Ankara University Biotechnology Institute, noted that they received information about the anti-disease drug studies to be developed with the GRFT molecule against Kovid-19, “Our scientists also scientifically evaluate that this molecule can be effective against Kovid-19. Basic research is being done before proceeding to clinical study stages. Animal experiments related to this molecule will be started in the biosafety laboratory here as of today. ” he spoke.
Turkey in the last 18 years President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in particular R & D ecosystem to large investments made pointing Varank, "the investment we make such a difficult and critical time in science we can see how important the successful efforts put forth by our people. We trust our scientists and we believe that a successful product will be developed from the studies here. ” said.
Pointing out that scientists are working day and night with great sacrifice against Kovid-19, Varank said: We will complete our studies that will obtain good data and go to the clinical stage as a result of the ongoing scientific studies. In the next step, we will deliver them to our Ministry of Health for clinical studies. I hope we can give good news from here.
Professor Dr. Aykut Özkul stated that they aimed to stop the effect of Kovid-19 with the GRFT molecule in the project and explained the stage reached in their work. Expressing that they have started the process of testing the effectiveness of the molecule in animals at the moment. Özkul said, “In our preliminary studies about animals, organ involvement, spread and detection of this virus can occur within a period of about 2 weeks. Therefore, if things continue as we expected, we will have received preliminary data in the next month. ” he spoke.
PART OF NATIONAL mobilization
Özkul study emphasized that Turkey is a part of the national mobilization has given in all areas, for their support to the project Ministry of Industry and Technology, TUBITAK and thanked the Rector of Ankara University.
Expressing that GRFT is a natural molecule in structure, Özkul continued as follows: GRFT has been found to have an anti-infection effect against many different viruses so far. Therefore, in the first place, our biggest gain in this process will be to develop a stopper, protective and preventive product that can be used in daily life. Molecular biologists in our team are trying to make GRFT enter the cell by making some changes in the structure of the molecule. In this context, if we can, we will question the therapeutic potential of the molecule over time.
After his visit to the Biotechnology Institute, Varank visited the Cancer Research Institute of Ankara University, and another project on the TUBITAK Covid-19 platform, Virus-Based Prototype Coronavirus Vaccine Production. Dr. He received information from Hakan Akbulut.