Reminding that Mersin Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Vahap Seçer is working on a 3-stage metro project for the city, “We will do this work on a route of approximately 13 kilometers in the first stage. We put many projects on hold due to the pandemic and canceled the tenders. We are waiting for the appropriate environment for the subway tender. ”
Mersin Metropolitan Mayor Vahap Seçer was the guest of the live broadcast of the Critical Questions Program moderated by Deniz Olgun, which was broadcast live on the social media accounts of Gazete Kritik. Mayor Seçer explained the measures they took as the Metropolitan Municipality and the services they performed during the pandemic and new normal process in the program. Seçer stated that they will start to implement the projects that were put forward before the election and put on hold due to the pandemic, one by one.
We do not have an opportunity to bring tourism to huge points in Mersin.
In the program, Mayor Seçer provided information on many different topics from Mersin's tourism potential to the support provided by the Metropolitan Municipality to agriculture. Answering the questions about what projects should be implemented in Mersin to highlight tourism, Mayor Seçer said, “Tourism is an unsuccessful area for us. When you look at Antalya, it is a figure of 15-16 million, but here we host summer, foreign, local, 1-1 million 200 thousand guests. Approximately 135 thousand of this is foreign tourists. These are not important and valuable figures. These should increase. There are some areas where the central government will be included in the projection, which can be realized through tourism projects. Due to our limited powers, we do not have the opportunity to bring tourism to huge points in Mersin. But of course, local governments also have work to do. This is the historical city. Here, it is necessary to restore the city's historical points, streets and streets, to make it open to tourism and to make some zoning arrangements. ”
There are great expectations from us.
Stating that he was with the people of Mersin with his practices in many different areas during the pandemic period of the Metropolitan Municipality, Seçer said that the work normally continues. Mayor Seçer said, “Now is the period of realization of the projects we put forward before the election. There are great expectations from us. The city has pending problems, investments, unemployment, some unemployment investments, and they are waiting for moves that will pave the way for investments. On the other hand, the city has a poor and a façade that we started our first projects on social projects. We implemented many innovations in social assistance and social projects in Mersin ”. Stating that Mersin's plan problems are an obstacle to the investments, President Seçer said, “These should be finished as soon as possible, let's open the way for the investments. On the other hand, traffic, transportation, two main problems intertwined for Mersin are for Mersin. ”
We are waiting for the suitable environment for the metro tender
Stating that a 3-phase Metro project is also being worked for the city, Seçer said:
“In the first place, we will do this work on a route of approximately 13 kilometers. We put many projects on hold due to the pandemic. We canceled the auctions. There had been an objection to the subway tender before. The tender renewal decision was notified to us. We have done their work right now and we are about to finish. Of course, life needs to be normalized. Because we expect companies from many parts of the world to participate in this tender, we expect a more suitable environment. We also started to purchase new vehicles to increase the number of our city buses in public transportation. We had bought again, the tender was over, completed. We had to cancel. We put them on hold for a while to see the results of this pandemic process and to see us ahead. But we will now realize projects that we have promised to our citizens in many areas from road construction, bridged intersections, infrastructures and cultural centers. ”
We did not get the borrowing authority in the parliament
Answering the questions about whether there is enough support from the government regarding the budget, President Seçer said, “I cannot say that I am in a very good condition. We did not get the authorization to borrow in the past Assembly. In fact, we are having trouble in shallow waters that should not be. Iller Bank is an important financial resource for us. Grants received from international institutions, especially for infrastructure projects, are extremely important. We experience important problems in all of this. There may be periodic troubles. There may be general problems. There are some consequences of the world economic conjuncture before. many to look abroad from Turkey relations issues between the countries, credit, credibility, grant. Issues affecting these financial resources. I cannot say that we are at a very good point. There is an expression; we are roasting with our own oil right now. ”
Mayor Seçer also stated the problems they faced in accessing finance and said, “Public banks do not lend to municipalities. They have not created such a resource so far. I am a mayor in the 15th month. The possibility of borrowing from a public bank has not been found yet. In other words, I can say that we have a very difficult access to finance. Of course, we also experience significant problems due to the decrease in our income brought by the pandemic. We called on the Union of Municipalities of Turkey. So that the President brings us together and listen to our troubles. There has been no turn so far. We have gathered in the mansion with Mr. President before. However, this did not continue after that. 30 Metropolitan must be together from time to time. Because our troubles are common. Even if we belong to different political parties, the problems we are experiencing do not matter. We care about being together, we care about speaking and the central administration's positive approach to us. ”
President Seçer stated that Mersin embraces socio-economic communities from different ethnic structures, from East to West, and people with different expectations, and that they work full-time to meet the demands of these differences. Seçer said that he knew Mersin very well and therefore did not experience any difficulties in management.
Stating that his political past dates back to the 20s, Seçer said that the Mayor's Office was a very different task than the deputy. Seçer said, “I think the mayor is more suitable for me. Because I am a politician from the business world, from the private sector, to politics. The Mayor's Office is closer to execution, a place that is intertwined with the citizen, every street, even every house in the local area, must be in contact with people, when you plant a tree, you can see the growth, see the result of your effort or struggle. Something I do more lovingly and truly believing. I add my night to my day. 'Where does this energy come from?' sometimes there are those who ask. You cannot do what you do not like, you cannot be successful. We think we are doing a very holy business. As a result of our services, when people are happy, when we pray and thank us, it is a great pleasure and happiness for us. ”