Konya Metropolitan Municipality has implemented the Farmer Information System in order to solve the problems of the farmer as soon as possible. The manufacturer can find solutions to their problems instantly by reaching the experts with the mobile system that will be active 7 hours a day, 24 days a week.
Konya Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Uğur İbrahim Altay said that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan handled agriculture as a strategic sector with the view of “Food safety is a National Security Issue” in order to ensure sustainable agricultural production and the competitiveness of the producer, for the development and solution of farmers in Konya. He expressed that they produced projects.
Mayor Altay emphasized that the newly established Farmer Information System also serves this purpose by noting that as the Metropolitan Municipality, Konya has collaborated with the relevant institutions, organizations and farmers in order to develop, progress and increase the production capacity of agriculture and animal husbandry as a whole.
Producers from Konya, through the Farmer Information System; 0 534 271 78 48 7 hours a day, 24 days a week, XNUMX hours a day, XNUMX days a week, XNUMX hours a day, XNUMX days a week XNUMX hours a day. It can transmit via SMS and phone.
The requests submitted by the producers are examined by the expert teams of the Metropolitan Municipality Agricultural Services and Coordination Department and resolved as soon as possible.