Şehit Birol Yıldırım Boulevard was opened with a ceremony with the new Melet Bridge

sehit birol yildirim boulevard with new melet bridge opened
sehit birol yildirim boulevard with new melet bridge opened

The Martyr Birol Yıldırım Boulevard, which was built by Ordu Metropolitan Municipality for the first time in Ordu, as an alternative to the ring road and the New Melet Bridge, which can be used as an alternative to the Black Sea coastal road, was put into service with a ceremony.

Starting from the new bus station location, the 5 km route, which is located on the industrial area of ​​Karapınar Mahallesi and covered with hot asphalt from the Yeni Melet Bridge to Kayabaşı intersection, has become an alternative road to the highway as well as the traffic density in the region.


Stating that Ordu is taking firm steps towards becoming a brand city, Ordu Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Dr. Mehmet Hilmi Güler said, “Today we are bringing two beautiful works to our Ordu. One of them is the 236-meter-long New Melet Bridge. This bridge will be a new vein in Ordu, it will relieve our traffic. We have been instrumental in bringing the calendar forward by stepping in for this bridge, which is planned to be brought to our city at another date. I would like to thank the Highways that brought this service to our city in a period of 2 months. This shows the strength of our state. Then we opened a beautiful boulevard. As the citizens of Kadirşinas, we named this boulevard for our martyr Birol Yıldırım, who sacrificed his blood and life for this country. May the 5 km route be beneficial to our citizens. The approximate cost of the two investments is 30 million TL. We continue to take bold and decisive steps. We want to add very beautiful works to our city. We are moving towards becoming a brand city. In this sense, one of the most important jobs was to solve the traffic problem. With this step we take, our traffic will now be more comfortable. We are thinking of another bridge at the point where Melet meets the sea. We are also planning this. Ordu will be a city that is also known for its bridges. Melet will be a good living center. When we realize these, our Ordu will become much better in tourism and industry, ”he said.


Mayor of Ordu Metropolitan Municipality The Governor of Ordu Seddar Yavuz, who started his speech by thanking Mehmet Hilmi Güler, said, “I would like to thank our Metropolitan Mayor for his work and congratulate him. When the Cevizdere bridge collapsed due to the disaster in the past years, we saw that we had no alternative way. It is important not to cross the bridge. God forbid, the importance of these investments in terms of strategic, security and transportation becomes more evident in similar situations. Therefore, it is necessary to look at investments from this aspect. I congratulate our laboring Highways Regional Directorate and Metropolitan Mayor and wish the investments to be beneficial to our province. ”

Following the speeches, the two investments made by the provincial Mufti Mürsel Öztürk, officially opened to service after the protocol cut the opening ribbon.

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