Gunsel B9 Introduced to TRNC's Domestic Car

kktc's domestic car gunsel b introduced
kktc's domestic car gunsel b introduced

“Günsel”, the domestic and national car of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, was introduced with the organization held at the Girne Elexus Congress Center. The first model of Günsel, produced by Turkish engineers and designers with 10 years of work and 1,2 million hours of labor within the body of Near East University, was produced in yellow, blue and red colors symbolizing the soil, sky and flag of TRNC. The design and interior designs of Günsel B9 were highly appreciated.

Prime Minister Ersin Tatar, 3rd President Dr. Dervis Eroglu, the Republic of Turkey Ambassador in Nicosia, Ali Murat Başçer, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Kudret Ozersay, Education Minister Nazim Cavusoglu, Minister of Finance mature Amcaoğlu, Interior Minister Aysegul Baybars Kadri, Public Works and Transport Minister Tolga Atakan, Economy and Energy Minister Hassan Taçoy, Minister of Tourism and Environment Dt. Ünal Üstel, Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources Dursun Oğuz, Minister of Labor and Social Security Faiz Sucuoğlu, Main Opposition Republican Turkish Party President Tufan Erhürman, Turkish Cypriot Peace Corps Commander Major General Sezai Öztürk, Security Forces Commander Tuğgeneral Altan Er and Vice President of the Republican Assembly Zorlu Approximately 3 thousand guests from Turkey and abroad attended the promotion night of Günsel, attended by Töre.

Near East University, Chairman of the Board of Trustees Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel: “Our father is Dr. The dream of Suat Günsel; From the design together, we have turned into reality by working day and night with one body, one heart, and great faith. ”

Near East University, Chairman of the Board of Trustees Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel made a speech at the night where Günsel B10, which was developed by Turkish engineers with 9 years of R&D and design studies, was introduced. The dream of Suat Günsel; From design to R&D, from technology to engineering all together, we transformed into reality by working day and night with one body, one heart, with great faith; We live with the honor, pride and happiness of being able to share GÜNSEL with you, our nation, our country and our homeland and to introduce it to the world in a strong way. ”

Expressing that the realization of a big project like Günsel is one of the most valuable indicators of Near East University's science producing power. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel said, “Near East University and Girne University have become the largest and most developed universities in the geography and have taken their place among the respected universities in the world. It has the technological infrastructure and academic equipment that will carry out at the same time, nearly two thousand articles published in international indexed journals and 385 projects currently underway. ”

The production capacity of Günsel, whose serial production will start in 2021, will reach 2025 thousand vehicles annually in 20. On the night of the launch of Günsel's first model B9, the promotional model of the second model J9, which has been kept secret until today, was presented to the guests. The development process of the J9, which is designed as an SUV, is planned to be completed in 2022 and the prototype promotion is planned. Near East University, Chairman of the Board of Trustees Dr. In the presentation of İrfan Suat Günsel overnight, it was stated that the mass production of the second model J9 model will start in 2024.

Günsel's transformation of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus into one of the auto exporting countries will create a big leap for the country's economy. On the one hand, Günsel will provide a large amount of export income to TRNC with the cars it will export abroad, and fuel savings to be provided by Günsel, which is used domestically, will greatly reduce the amount of imported fuel. For this reason, Günsel has the potential to greatly reduce the foreign trade deficit by making a bi-directional contribution to the TRNC economy. The export income it will create, the economy to be established by the automotive supplier industry and the employment to be provided will make Günsel one of the most important locomotives of the TRNC economy.

Prime Minister Ersin Tatar: “As the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, we have grown great big names and great heroes. Everyone should acknowledge that Suat Günsel, who has been working for many years since the struggle, and working for the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, is one of these heroes. There are a lot of negative issues for our Cyprus in the Eastern Mediterranean. The success story signed here has embarrassed negative speakers. Because we are successful, we are the successful children of a successful nation, who embraces his country, believes in perfection and has talent. Here is the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus! Today we witness history. Günsel will make a great contribution to our country's exports, employment, economy and development. I would like to thank the Günsel Family, which has achieved this great success. ”

3. President of the TRNC Derviş Eroğlu: “We laid the foundation of the Near East University with Suat Günsel during my prime ministry. Since that day, so much ground has been laid by Suat Günsel and his family that we have forgotten the number. Suat Günsel has pursued the best in every project from university to hospital. Günsel Family can only be proud of the projects in which the signature has increased. May your success be permanent. ”

Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey Ali Murat Başçer of Nicosia: “The world automotive market is at a new crossroads. President of Turkey Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey's domestic automobile as he said at the meeting on December 27 tOGGer introduced today, everyone is equal entering this race. Günsel, signed by Near East University, will create an important example for technology development, R&D, and industrial projects for all our universities. I sincerely thank all the patrons who contributed. ”

Tufan Erhürman, President of the Republican Turkish Party: “Today we are witnessing a dream come true here. I present my gratitude to those who have experienced this pride. Visiting the production facilities, I saw young engineers working excitedly at the beginning of their duties. I thank all of them. We always say that the producer does not disappear. Günsel Family continues to implement projects called impossible. I congratulate the whole family wholeheartedly for their success. ”

Kudret Özersay, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs: “The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and its people need more than one success story. Günsel is also an important inspirational success story. On behalf of our state, I would like to thank everyone who signed this success story, especially the Günsel Family. Such an investment requires a great vision. Together with Günsel, they demonstrated how great the Günsel Family and Near East University visions are. ”

Hasan Taçoy, Minister of Economy and Energy: “Günsel is a big project for our country's economy that we have to believe and take care of until the end. Suat Günsel, who has brought very important values ​​to our country so far, has brought great value to our country by dreaming of her teacher and her family and working hard to realize this dream. The world is changing. It is very attractive to have an electric car project that will be produced from the sun as a solar country. Therefore, we must protect this project, which we have witnessed from turning into a dream come true. ”

Minister of Labor and Social Security Faiz Sucuoğlu: “When I was chatting with my teacher Suat Günsel years ago, he told me that one day he would produce a car. When I told him that it wasn't easy, he said he would make my dreams come true. Here we are witnessing the realization of this dream. Günsel's story, which started with 10 engineers and continues with 100 engineers today, will reach thousands of engineers in the coming years. Günsel will pave the way for us to keep our youth in the country with the employment it will create by contributing to reducing the youth unemployment rate, which has reached 19 percent in our country today. ”


Günsel's first model B9 is a 100 percent electric car. The vehicle, which can travel 350 kilometers on a single charge, was produced by combining 10 thousand 936 pieces in total. The engine of the vehicle is 140 kW. The speed limit of Günsel B100, which can reach 8 km per hour in 9 seconds, is electronically limited to 170 km per hour. Günsel B9's battery can be charged in only 20 minutes with high speed charging. If standard charging is used, this time is 7 hours. An agreement was signed with over 100 suppliers from 1,2 countries for the production of Günsel B9, where more than 28 engineers spent 800 million hours in development.

Electric cars are increasing their weight in the world automotive market every year. The number of electric cars sold in the world in 2018 was 2 million. Electric car sales, which are expected to reach 205 million in 10, are expected to reach 2030 million in 28 and 2040 million in 56. Electric cars will capture 2040 percent of the automotive market in 57.