Logistics Workshop was held in the Meeting Room of the Chamber of Commerce by the 16th Professional Committee of Bandırma Chamber of Commerce.
The 16th profession, which was the opening speech and moderator of the workshop held with the participation of the directors of the public institutions related to the logistics sector in Bandırma, the members of the 16th Professional Chamber of the Bandırma Chamber of Commerce and the lecturers at the Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Foreign Trade and Logistics Application and Research Center. Committee and Assembly Member Funda Dedeoğlu; "16. As the Professional Committee, we will work to get information about Bandırma's logistics status, problems, solution suggestions, future investments, and to generate reports and deliver them to the necessary authorities. In this regard, we will also have cooperation studies with our valuable professors working in Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Foreign Trade and Logistics Application and Research Center. Bandırma Logistics Workshop that we organize today is our first meeting where we brought together all the stakeholders of the sector as the 16th Professional Committee. In this meeting, we have identified 6 main topics in this meeting: questions and problems in the customs clearance process, issues to be handled within the scope of maritime transportation, the use of railways in trade in Bandırma, road transportation, warehouse and warehouse status and logistics sector employment and education. Today, all questions and opinions expressed at this meeting will be reported by our friends, and will be studied and evaluated again with my committee friends and valuable teachers. These topics will be included in the Bandırma session at the Bandırma Logistics Summit organized by Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University on April 20-21. ” said.
The situation of Bandırma in maritime, road and rail transportation, the ways in which companies used to send their inputs and outputs, for what reasons, problems experienced, aspects open to development and expectations were discussed. Opinions were exchanged on the issues considered as a disadvantage and what kind of a road map should be followed for the directions open to development.
In the workshop, the inadequacy of the port backyard and the absence of a 3rd gate in the port were mentioned as the most important problems that should be addressed and resolved with priority. Opinions were provided on the establishment of sub-working groups on all the issues identified and forwarding the reports to be prepared.