Signs Protocol Relating to Travel by train to the incoming ERASMUS students in Turkey

Train of Erasmus students coming to Turkey signed the protocol relating to the trip
Train of Erasmus students coming to Turkey signed the protocol relating to the trip

TCDD Tasimacilik General Manager Kamuran Yazıcı and Ankara University Rector. Dr. Erkan İbiş signed a protocol regarding the train travel of ERASMUS students at the General Directorate of TCDD on 21 January.

It is aimed to encourage foreign students who will travel with the protocol to travel with Eastern, Touristic East, South-Kurtalan and Van Lake Expresses within the scope of "Exactly International Photography Contest".

'' It will contribute to the promotion of our country's natural and cultural beauties ''

In his speech before the printer signature Erasmus Program and the Overseas Turks and Relative Communities Directorate (MDO) Turkey incoming students as Scholarship in order to promote the culture of our country thanks to the cooperation with Ankara University is a nice step, he said. Printer: '' project, as well as students to help them adapt to the country of Turkey will contribute to the promotion of natural and cultural beauty. '' He said.

"An Important Contribution to Educational Tourism"

Rector stated that Turkish Railways is an institution identical with the Republic. Dr. Erkan İbiş order to contribute to Turkey's importance to the internationalization of education and tourism, he added that it was important step for international students facing expulsion. İbiş: '' TCDD Tasimacilik enables these students to know the culture and tradition of our country. When our students apply, priority will be given to them with this protocol. ” said


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