Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure will recruit Assistant Inspectors; 8 in the General Administrative Services class to be employed in the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Inspection Services. In order to make an open assignment to 5 (five) Assistant Inspectors, the Assistant Inspector Entrance Exam will be held according to the provisions of the Regulation on the Inspection Services of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure.
The entrance exam is as follows;
a) To meet the conditions stated in Article 657 of the Civil Servants Law No. 48, (Applicants who are entitled to take the oral examination will be asked to register their criminal records.)
b) At least four years of undergraduate education; Law, Political Sciences, Economics, Business Administration, Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculties and at least four years of undergraduate education and equivalence to these schools accepted by the Council of Higher Education in Turkey or abroad to have completed one of the higher education institutions,
c) In the applications to be made from among the candidates who get minimum 2018 (Seventy) points or higher from the Type A KPSS P2019 score type of Public Personnel Selection Exam (KPSS) made by the Measurement, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) in 48 and 70; to be in the first 100 (One Hundred) candidate according to the highest score rankings, (If the number of applicants duly fulfilling the exam requirements and more than 100 persons is more than 100 person, the first 100 candidate to be determined as a result of the ranking of the highest score shall be taken to the entrance examination and XNUMX. Candidates / candidates with equal points will be invited to the exam)
d) 01 / 01 / 2019 as of the age of 35, (1 January 1984 and later births)
e) Having the character and qualifications of the Inspectorate,
f) In terms of health status, going to all parts of the country, to be able to serve in all kinds of climate and travel conditions, to prevent the continuation of the task of body or mental illness or body disability and disability, (The candidates who are eligible to take the oral exam will be taken from the full-fledged Training and Research Hospitals Medical Board Report will be requested)
g) Completion, exemption or postponement of military service for male candidates (Male candidates who are entitled to take the oral exam will be required to submit a military status certificate.)
h) Not to undertake service commitment to any institution, (Signed declaration indicating that they are not under the service commitment will be taken from the candidates who are entitled to take the oral examination.)
i) Taking the exam for the first or second time,
Applicants who wish to participate in the Entrance Exam, starting from the day following the publication of the exam announcement in the Official Gazette, provided that they meet the conditions stated above, at the latest until 16 / 12 / 2019 date on Friday;
"Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Ministry of Audit Services Directorate (Block, 6. Floor) Basic Turayliç Caddesi No: 5, Postal Code: 06338, Emek Çankaya / Ankara / TURKEY"
The address can be done in person or by registered mail. For applications by mail, the date 16 / 12 / 2019 must reach the address specified on Friday before the end of working hours. Applications that are not forwarded to the Presidency due to postal delays and other reasons or that do not meet the conditions stated in the announcement will not be processed.
The list of those who are entitled to take the written entrance exam can be found on the website of the Ministry ( on).
Candidates will apply for the written exam;
a) Candidate application form,
b) KPSS result document (Validation period and accuracy of the examination and checks will be done.),
c) Original or certified copy of Higher Education Institution diploma or graduation certificate,
d) Passport photos of 6 pieces taken in the last 1 (six) months,
e) Copy of identity document and sample of the registered population
They add. The candidate application form is attached to the announcement published on the website of the Ministry. Candidates are responsible for the accuracy of the documents submitted in their applications. Candidates who are later found out that they do not meet the application requirements cannot claim any rights. If the documents are found to be fraudulent or fraudulent, the necessary legal process will be initiated against the candidate.
The Entrance Exam will be held in Ankara in two stages, first written in the multiple-choice test method and then orally.
The written part of the exam will be held on 29 / 12 / 2019 on Sunday at 10: 00 “Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Faculty of Law 15 July Building Ayvalı Mah. Halil Sezai Erkut Cad. 150. Street Etlik / Ankara ”and the candidates who will be entitled to take the written exam will be announced on the 18 / 12 / 2019 date on the website of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure ( on the XNUMX / XNUMX / XNUMX address. entry documents from this page. Apart from this, no notification will be given to the applicants regarding the written entrance exam.
Candidates will be required to take the written exam with their entry document (, along with their identity card with ID number or passports with validity period to be used for identification.
The names, date and place of the oral exam will be announced on the Ministry's website (
The written exam will be held with 5 (five) options according to the multiple choice test procedure. In the written exam, candidates will be asked a total of twenty five questions, four of which will be four points for Law, Economics, Finance and Accounting exam groups, and 20 (twenty) will be five for each foreign language exam group. Total written exam time is 120 minutes.
The topics of the written exam are given below.
1. LAW
a) Constitutional law,
b) General Principles of Administrative Law, Administrative Judiciary, Administrative Organization,
c) Criminal Law (General Principles and Crimes Against the State),
ç) Civil Law (General Principles and Real Rights),
d) Law of Obligations (General Principles),
e) Commercial Law (Commercial Business, Companies and Negotiable Instruments Law),
f) Maritime Trade Law (General Principles, Legal Regime of Sea Areas, Legal Status and Regulations of Turkish Straits, Freight Contracts, Passenger Transport Contracts),
g) Labor Law (General Principles, Trade Unions Law, Collective Labor Agreements),
f) Execution and Bankruptcy Law (General Principles),
a) Microeconomics,
b) Macro economics,
c) International Economics,
ç) Business Economics,
a) Fiscal Policy,
b) Public Revenues and Expenditures,
c) Budget,
ç) General Principles of Turkish Tax Legislation,
a) General accounting,
b) Balance Sheet Analysis and Techniques,
c) Commercial Account,
a) The English,
Entrance examination; written and oral. The written exam will be multiple-choice. Applicants who are not successful in the written exam will not be entitled to participate in the oral exam. The full grade in the entrance exam is 100, which is separate from the written exam groups and the only one in the oral exam. In order to be considered successful in the written exam, each of the scores obtained from written examination groups other than foreign languages should not be less than 60 and the average should not be less than 70. Foreign language grade will not be included in the average and will be considered as a reason for preference. Entrance exam score is calculated by taking the arithmetic average of the oral exam score and the written exam score of the candidates who are successful in the oral exam. In determining the degree of success of the candidates, if the entrance exam scores are equal, the candidate who has high written exam score, and if the entrance exam score is equal with the written exam scores, the candidate who has applied KPSS score has priority. A score of 70 or higher in the entrance exam is not considered as a right earned for the candidates who are out of the number of staff to be appointed.
20 candidates will be invited to start the oral exam from the candidate who has the highest grade from the written exam. Candidates with the same score as the last candidate to be invited will be invited to the oral exam.
Names of candidates who are eligible to take the oral examination, date and place of oral examination ( on).
In the oral exam, the candidates; In general, the level of knowledge of the field and intelligence, transfer speed, ability to express, reasoning power, merit, representation ability, behavior and suitability to the profession, self-confidence, persuasion ability and credibility, general ability and general culture, openness to scientific and technological developments will be evaluated.
In order to be considered successful in the oral examination, the arithmetic average of the scores given by each examiner chairman and members over the full score of 100 should not be less than 70.
The entrance exam score must not be less than 70 in order to be considered as assistant inspector exam.
The list of substitute candidates as well as the original and original number of the written and oral parts of the entrance examination is available on the website of the Ministry ( onand the results of the entrance exam will be notified to the candidates by registered mail.
Documents required for the exam and other detailed information ( can be obtained from the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Inspection Services (0312) 203 10 84- (0312) 203 18 81 phone numbers.
Candidates may submit their objections to exam questions or exam results at the latest within 7 (Seven) days after the written exam results are announced. (One hundred Turkish Lira), the bank receipt received by depositing an objection fee, the subject of the objection and the address of the communication clearly written in the petition to the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Inspection Services.
Objections made after the expiry of the term and petitions that do not have the applicant's identity number, signature, address and bank receipt will not be taken into consideration.