High Speed ​​Train Accident Indictment Dead of 9 People in Ankara Completed

fast train accident indictment in ankara
fast train accident indictment in ankara

The High Speed ​​Train Accident Indictment, Which Has Been Dead In Ankara, Has Been Completed; In the indictment, which was completed in Ankara on 9 December 13 regarding the high-speed train accident that resulted in the death of 2018 people, up to 9 years of imprisonment was requested for 10 defendants.

The indictment regarding the high-speed train accident that occurred on 13 December 2018 in Ankara was completed.

In the indictment, train constitution officer Osman Yıldırım, movement officer Sinan Yavuz, traffic controller Emin Ercan Erbey, YHT Ankara Station Deputy Manager Kadir Oğuz, Deputy Traffic Service Manager Ergün Tuna, YHT Traffic Service Manager Ünal Sayıner, YHT Ankara Manager Duran Yaman, Branch Manager Recep Kutlay, TCDD Traffic and Station Management Department Head Mükerrem Aydoğdu, TCDD Safety and Quality Management Department Head Erol Tuna Aşkın was asked for up to 15 years in prison for 'causing the death and injury of more than one person'.

TCDD General Manager of the period found to be defective in the expert report İsa Apaydın and Ali İhsan Uygun, currently the General Manager of the Turkish State Railways (TCDD), did not appear as a suspect.

3 people lost their lives in the accident, which occurred as a result of the collision between the high-speed train that made the Ankara-Konya flight and the guide train for control on the rails.