Halkalı Kapikule Railway Construction Groundbreaking Ceremony Held

ring-building construction of the railway line
ring-building construction of the railway line

Minister Turhan took place at the old Karaağaç Train Station, which is now used as Trakya University Faculty of Fine Arts.Halkalı-Kapıkul Railway Line Project In his speech at the groundbreaking ceremony, as Turkey, linking three continents, said that they have a very important geo-strategic and geopolitical position.

Turkey is both a geographic location, cultural heritage and historical continuity with both Asia and the Middle East and the Mediterranean and the Black Sea as well as Turhan said that the European countries, drew more than 50 percent of Turkey's exports of gold that perform in Europe.

Turhan, "Direct investment of more than 67 percent comes from European producers to Europe to Turkey and Turkey is an important part of the production and supply chain. It is possible to carry all this to a higher level, which can only be achieved through a fair and stable approach. Also turmoil that have lived in the world obliges the EU to act more together with Turkey. " he spoke.

“One generation project”

Turkey and Turhan explained that historical responsibility of developing relations between the European Union, the railway line will be laid today the foundation has insisted he will further strengthen relations with the EU.

Halkalı- Turhan stated that with the commissioning of the Kapikule railway line, the final phase of high-quality connection to Trans-European Transport Networks will be completed.

"In Turkey, ensuring the highest standards of European integration of transport networks, always been among our priorities. Request, HalkalıWith the launch of the Kapikule Railway Line, the final stage of connecting to the Trans-European Transport Networks in high quality will be completed. Due to the position of our country connecting Europe to Asia and the Far East, the fact that trade routes between Europe and Africa are at the focal point for the growing Asian economies makes the construction of this line much more important.

It is also very meaningful that the line will contribute to the One Belt One Road Project, which aims to create a huge infrastructure and transportation network by connecting China, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. We have accomplished great works in our country, in the east-west and north-south axis recently, for the "Middle Corridor" of this project, as we call it, the "Modern Silk Road" to come to life. For this reason, we have approached the implementation of the Iron Silk Road from London to Beijing as a strategic issue from the very beginning. We have clearly demonstrated our support and belief in this project with the Marmaray and Baku-Tbilisi-Kars Railway line that we put into service. ”

HalkalıUnderlining that the Kapikule Railway Line Project is a project that has been striving for a long time in cooperation with the European Union, Minister Turhan said:

"Both Turkey as well as the European Union is party time considerably at all levels, and efforts have been made labor. With the line coming into service, commercial mobility will reach serious dimensions for everyone and everyone will be profitable. In addition to its budget size and technical features, our country's route from the Bulgarian border to Istanbul, Halkalı-Kapıkul Railway Line Project geographically symbolizes the binding Turkey to the EU.

Halkalı- With the opening of the Kapıkule Railway Line, commercial mobility will reach serious levels for all, and everyone will benefit. We will lay the foundation Halkalı-Kapıkule Railway Line Project Çerkezköy- A new record will be signed for the Construction of the Kapikule Section by using 275 million Euros of EU grants. The workforce that will be needed during the construction works that will last about 4 years will be obtained from the region as in our other projects. As the mobility will reach serious dimensions with the opening of the line, everyone will gain. ”