Grand National Assembly of Turkey (Parliament), the Planning and Budget Committee Chairman Lutfi Elvan's Mersin subway to say that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gave approval for the receipt of the investment program, has created great excitement in Mersin citizens.
Construction of Mersin Metropolitan Municipality will be started in a short period of time and will provide a fundamental solution to the traffic problem of the city, which will create improvements in public transportation 'Mersin Metro 4 Line will be built. The first line to be constructed will consist of 1 15 stations
Mersin Metro Line will be constructed with 1's 4 vehicles directory with 1080 passenger / voyage capacity at one time and will be 20 km double line railway, 15 station and 2600 car parking. 'Mersin Metro Line 1'in daily passenger capacity of the total 262 thousand 231 passengers / day will be.
Mersin Metro Line will be one of the most efficient and profitable line 1 in Turkey. On the route Cumhuriyet Soli-Mezitli Babil Fuar Marina High Schools Forum Türk Telekom-Tulumba-Özgür Children's Park Gar Üçocak will sail between Mersin Metropolitan Municipality New Service Building and Free Zone. In the first phase, the required number of metro vehicles will serve with 80 vehicles, including spare parts, and 2029 additional vehicles will be added in 4 and 2036 additional vehicles will be added in 12.
Within the scope of the Master Plan of Transportation, the Mersin Metro Line 1 will solve the traffic problem, which is one of the problems of Mersin, for many years.
Mersin Metro Line 1, which will be an innovative subway for Mersin, will provide a versatile functional, low-cost, fast-to-construct, aesthetic in urban sense and a secure service in terms of transportation. All of the stations will be located underground and will only be built semi-open by a method that will be applied for the first time in the world.

- Free zone
- Mersin Metropolitan Municipality
- January Three
- Gar
- Free Playground
- Pump
- Turkish Telecom
- Forum
- High Schools
- Marina
- Fair
- Babylon
- Akdeniz
- Salt
- Cumhuriyet
In the station design criteria, the main objective of the design is to integrate the transportation system with the special transportation activities with wheels, to plan the upper floor of the metro line as a car park along the line route, and to transfer the vehicle traffic in the city center to the subway with the parking solutions at the top of some stations.
Construction of a semi-open private system, evaluating the stations as urban living areas other than transportation, fast buffet, bookstore, fast food, rest and so on. planning of commercial units in functionality, creation of green spaces and use of openings for natural ventilation.
According to the model assignment results for 2030, the daily total number of public transportation trips is 921.655; the total number of public transport passengers per day is 1.509.491; The total daily main backbone public transport lines passengers are expected to be 729.561 and the total daily wheeled system passengers to 779.930.