Shell Eco-marathon, where high school and university students between the ages of 16 and 25, competed to cover the longest distance with the least energy with the tools they designed and produced, took place in London, the capital of England, between July 1 - 5. 28 countries from engineering students over 1500, with 140 vehicles, the Shell Eco-marathon in the cutthroat yarıştı.katılı my place this year in Turkey among the countries with the most intense, Adana, Bursa, Eskisehir, Istanbul, Kayseri, Ankara and Trabzon ' 10 teams from 1 universities and 11 high school in Turkey represented. This year, the Turkish Technical Team, Yıldız Technical University AE2, was awarded the “Safety Award” at the Off-Track Awards in 5 categories. Yıldız Technical University AE2 team students took the podium and raised their trophies and waved our flag.
New records were set at Shell Eco-marathon, which was organized for the first time in EUROPE in France in 1985, hosted by London for the fourth time, encouraging participating students to design, manufacture, and test energy-efficient vehicles. Cutthroat competition, as well as solidarity between the teams in the competition, which took place, 25 teams from 161 countries including Turkey, which found "the longest distance with the least energy" fought to go.
In the competition this year from Turkey, Adana, Bursa, Eskisehir, Istanbul, Kayseri, took place from the team total 10 1 11 universities and high schools in Ankara and Trabzon. Yıldız Technical University, Bogazici University, Cukurova University, Karadeniz Technical University, Istanbul Technical University, Eskisehir Technical University, Middle East Technical University, Erciyes University, Terakki Foundation Private Sisli Terakki Science High School, Bursa Uludag University, Yeditepe University teams participating in our country, Shell Eco-marathon successfully represented.
In Shell Eco-marathon, teams participate in the race under two vehicle categories, Prototype and City Concept. Prototypes reflecting the cars of the future are composed of vehicles with creative designs. City Concept vehicles are designed with inspiration from traditional vehicles and look similar to the car models we use in our daily life. Diesel, gasoline, liquefied natural gas (CNG), fuel derived from natural gas (GTL), ethanol as well as alternative energy sources such as hydrogen and electricity can be used to power vehicles in the competition.
The best ever battery-electric vehicle record has been broken in the City Concept vehicles category at Shell Eco-marathon this year. The TIM UPS INSA Team from the University of Toulouse, INSA de France, has covered a record distance of 234,3 km / kWh. The DTU Roadrunners team from the Technical University of Denmark won the internal combustion award with a fuel consumption of 429,4 km per liter. The Dutch Green Team from Twente University, 242,5 km / m3 distance, became the champion of the hydrogen category.
The French team Microjoule-La Joliverie from Saint-Joseph La Joliverie High School in the prototype category with futuristic design vehicles reached 2.735 km with internal combustion engine and reached a record distance in the competition. The German ThaiRe-H2-Racing Team from Stralsund won University of Applied Sciences won the hydrogen category with 1.082,9 km / m3, while the IES Cotes Baixes High School Eco-Dimoni team from Spain, with the 888,8 km / kWh distance, won the first place in the battery-electric category. won.
Norman Koch, General Manager of Shell Eco-marathon said, “This year, Shell Eco-marathon was a very exciting race, especially with the new race track and the productivity records achieved. I was very impressed by the team performances and the effort and motivation of the students affected us all. The record results from Shell Eco-marathon this year have raised the bar even higher for the young engineers who will participate in the future. ”
Ahmet Erdem; Ğ We will continue to support our youth ”
Shell Turkey Country President Ahmet Erdem, said in a statement on the subject; Eco Shell Eco-marathon contributes to our youth from different perspectives. It stands out as a very important experience in many areas such as technical skills in vehicle design, manufacturing, finding financial resources and managing budget, communication skills, teamwork, project management, road safety discipline. Furthermore, it offers young people the opportunity to compete with peers from dozens of different countries abroad. Shell in Turkey, energy engineers of the future that grows in Turkey, the progress achieved in the field of automotive technology, and they will save energy and will, we will continue to be a supporter of innovation will explore. This year, Yıldız Technical University team AE2 has made us very proud by achieving a very important achievement in a field that we attach great importance to by receiving the Safety Award. I congratulate all of our youngsters competing in Shell Eco-marathon for their determined and gentle struggles. Our young people representing our country in London gave us hope with their motivation, effort and belief in their success. Shell in Turkey, as far as after that we will continue to support our work in this area found in the young, "he said.